250227 - VIDEO - Synodality Now the Rubber Hits the Road - CCCG Forum

250227 - FLYER - CCCG Public Forum - Synodality Now the Rubber Hits the Road

250226 - REPORT - Synodal Practices in the Australian Church - Sense of the Faithful

250219 - WEBINAR - The Australian Church - Where to now - Sense of the Faithful

241219 - ANALYSIS - Analysis of Church Reform Priorities: CCCG Priorities matched to Synod on Synodality - Terry Fewtrell

241219 - WEBINAR - Landing Strip or Launching Pad - Concerned Lay Catholics Canada

241203 - ARTICLE - All religion is local - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

241114 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG Synod analysis, International Webinar Synod Discussion

241112 - ARTICLE - Stages of Hope - Terry Fewtrell

241029 - ARTICLE - Synodality demands transparency and accountability from bishops - NCR - Thomas Reese

241112 - PODCAST - At the Synod in Rome - Geraldine Doogue

241108 - ARTICLE - A controversial graduation address - Pearls and Irritations - Bill Uren

241107 - ARTICLE - Progress on a hope and a prayer - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

241026 - REPORT - Synod on Synodality Report

241022 - NEWSLETTER - Archdiocesan Assembly, On Women’s Ordination

241019 - REPORT - Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan Assembly Synthesis Report

241018 - ARTICLE - On women’s ordination and church governance - Catholic Outlook - JP Grayland

241010 - NEWSLETTER - Synod, Timothy Radcliffe Meditations

231018 - BLOG - Michael Gill

241003 - ARTICLE - We are all tired of war so why don’t we just stop it? - National Catholic Reporter - Joan Chittister

241002 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis and the Politics of Catholic Conscience - Eureka Street - Francis Sullivan

240903 - ARTICLE - In future church governance church hierarchy meets partnership - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

240829 - ARTICLE - Mixed opinions about unproven Synod on Synodality - Pearls and Irritations - John Warhurst

240914 - ARTICLE - In a wheel chair to the peripheries - Pearls and Irritations - Paul Collins

240801 - ARTICLE - Passing generation of Vatican II clergy - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

240602 - ARTICLE - A Catholic church responsive to the needs of our fellow citizens - Pearls and Irritations - Paul Collins

240416 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis has abandoned transgender Catholics - Pearls and Irritations - Francis Sullivan

240428 - SUBMISSION - CCRI - Second Assembly Synod on Synodality

240328 - BLOG - The Easter Light breaks through the darkness - Francis Sullivan

240328 - NEWSLETTER - Easter, Adrift from the church, Palm Sunday Rally report Fr John Woods

240327 - PRESENTATION - Catholics Adrift - to Kildare Ministries - Francis Sullivan

240307 - BLOG - The tricky balance of modernising our Church - Francis Sullivan

240324 - PRESENTATION - Palm Sunday Rally Canberra - Fr John Woods

240222 - PRESENTATION - Evolving Catholicism and the Synod - ACCCR Webinar - Francis Sullivan

240319 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis shifts approach to contentious topics ahead of Synod’s final assembly - La Croix International

240319 - ARTICLE - The credibility of the gospel is at stake: Pax Christie calls on faith leaders to speak out about Gaza - P&I - Claude Mostowik

240316 - ARTICLE - The German Synod and Francis’s legacy - Massimo Faggioli - Catholic Outlook

240313 - ARTICLE - Australia’s rainbow church - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

240308 - NEWSLETTER - Paper: Evolving Catholicism and the Synod Francis Sullivan, In Conversation with Timothy Radcliffe

240219 - ARTICLE - Vatican announces next synod will be held Oct 2 to 27 - Cindy Wooden - NCR

240219 - ARTICLE - Pope bolsters Synod process - Elise Ann Allen - CRUX

240214 - ARTICLE - Nun who advises the Pope says he wants female deacons - Elise Ann Allen - CRUX

240208 - ARTICLE - Catholics invited to new synod sessions - Marnie McAllister - Catholic Record

240208 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis: Without liturgical reform there is no reform of the church - Matthew Santucci - CNA

231227 - ARTICLE - The need for theological reform - Michael Morwood - Pearls and Irritations

231224 - ARTICLE - Transcendence: Searching for light amidst the horror of Ukraine and Gaze - Francis Sullivan - Pearls and Irritations

231223 - ARTICLE - Peace on earth this Christmas - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

231200 - ACCCR REPORT - Response to the Synod Sythesis Report

231101 - ARTICLE - The Church begins to dream - Christopher Lamb - The Tablet

231029 - ARTICLE - Hoping against hope: The synodal process and prospects for equality for women in the church - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

231028 - SYNTHESIS REPORT - XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops 4 - 29 October 2023

231017 - AARTICLE - Bishop Mackinlay considers women deacons - staff reporters - NCR

230927 - PASTORAL LETTER - The national referendum on The Voice - Bishop Vincent Long Parramatta - Catholic Outlook

230926 - STATEMENT - Bishop Charles Gauci (Darwin) Expresses Support for a 'Yes' Vote in the Upcoming Referendum on the Voice

230925 - ARTICLE - Tension over church stances on voice - David Crowe - Sydney Morning Herald

230915 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic bishops must call for YES vote

230914 - ARTICLE - In the chorus of YES why aren’t the bishops joining in - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

230914 - ACCCR WEBINAR - Synod on Synodality: Room for everyone in our church - Bishop Shane Mackinlay, Francis Sullivan

230903 - ARTICLE - The future of the Catholic Church: Creating unity through diversity - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

230902 - INTERVIEW - Pope’s visit to Mongolia - Paul Collins - Aljazeera

230831 - ARTICLE - A synod that’s less episcopal, but perhaps more papal - Massimo Faggioli - La Croix International

230828 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis blasts reactionary American Catholics who oppose church reform - Christopher White - NCR

230825 - NEWSLETTER - The Voice - Vote YES, Synod on Synodality Update, Catholic Women Preach

230826 - LYRICS - Linked Hands for YES

230826 - FINAL NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS - Linked Hands for YES

230826 - FLYER - Linked hands for YES

230824 - ARTICLE - An essay in favour of The Voice - Denis O’Brien

230815 - ARTICLE - Catholic schools - Australia’s ecclesial future? - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

230800 - ARTICLE - The Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst’s process for setting up a Pastoral Council - Sense of the Faithful

230800 - ARTICLE - Response of Australian Catholic dioceses on three key issues - Richard Curtain Sense of the Faithful

230727 - NEWSLETTER - Vatican working document, Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan Pastoral Council

230727 - PRESENTATION - Synod on Synodality - A new kind of church - Susan Sullivan

230727 - PRESENTATION - Synod on Synodality - A new kind of church - Susan Pascoe

230727 - WEBINAR - Synod on Synodality: A New Kind of Church - Susan Sullivan, Susan Pascoe

230727 - BLOG - Vatican working paper shows unique openness, less church-speak - Francis Sullivan

230716 - ARTICLE - Is Pope Francis preparing for the next pope and an “October revolution” in Catholicism? - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

230709 - ARTICLE - Are Catholics actually angry? Its time to examine our consciences - Terry Fewtrell - Riotact

230708 - ARTICLE - Synod’s working document encourages cautious optimism - John Warhurst - La Croix

230705 - ARTICLE - Synod working document encourages cautious optimism - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

230629 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic reform leader tells Germans of uphill battle in Australia

230622 - MEDIA RELEASE - Pioneering development for deacons an inspiration for Australia’s Catholics

230601 - PAPER - Wurzburg Conference Germany- Church Reform and Synodality - John Warhurst

230504 - FLYER - Marist College Pearce - Evening of Dialogue

230525 - ARTICLE - Behind the bold discussions of the German Synod - Susan Sullivan - Eureka Street

230427 - NEWSLETTER - International Survey of Catholic Women, Report on German Synodal Way…

230420 - MEDIA RELEASE - German assembly shows how Gospel guides reform

230419 - ARTICLE - Obituary Fr Bob Maguire loved by the poor but not by the Catholic hierarchy - The Guardian Australia

230414 - ARTICLE - University of Newcastle researcher Tracey McEwan hands report on Catholic women to Pope Francis - Newcastle Herald - Madeline Link

230410 - ARTICLE - An experience of the German Synodal Way - The Good Oil - Susan Sullivan

230330 - ARTICLE - To the priest who has everything give him another parish - La Croix - JP Grayland

230329 - STATEMENT - Oceania Bishops finalise response to Synod’s working document

230329 - ARTICLE - Founding member of Pope’s Child Protection Board resigns - Crux Nicole Winfield

230328 - ARTICLE - Top Synod cardinal says church could one day revisit ban on ordaining women - NCR - Christopher White

230321 - REPORT - International Survey of Catholic Women - Analysis and Report of Key Findings - Tracy McEwan, Kathleen McPhillips, Miriam Pepper

230315 - ARTICLE - Assessing the Francis Decade - Terry Fewtrell - As submitted to The Canberra Times

230310 - REPORT - German Synod - Susan Sullivan

230301 - PAPER - Spirituality in the Pub - The Plenary Council Was all the effort worthwhile - John Warnhurst

230227 - NEWSLETTER - Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Why we should care about the Synod on Synodality, more…

230226 - MEDIA RELEASE - Susan Sullivan to attend the Final Assembly of the German Synodal Way

230226 - PHOTO - Susan Sullivan

230202 - PAPER - Synod on Synodality Why we should care - Francis Sullivan

230131 - ARTICLE - Cardinal Pell’s parting salvo raises questions for the Australian Church

230129 - NEWSLETTER - New CCCG Chair, Synod on Synodality, George Pell

230128 - ACCCR MEDIA RELEASE - No Laity No Church: Catholics challenge leadership of their Church

221214 - MEDIA RELEASE - Francis Sullivan AO to chair Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn

221210 - ARTICLE - The Plenary Council is Dead - Long live the Synod of Bishops - La Croix - John Warhurst

220922 - MEDIA RELEASE - International Survey Catholic Women Speak

220817 - NEWSLETTER - Perspectives on the Plenary Council, CCCG Forum, Australian Synod synthesis

220813 - ARTICLE - Discernment in changing times - VOX University of Divinity - Clare Shearman

220812 - PAPER - Real learnings from the P C’s assemblies and processes - An ordinary Catholic’s perspective - Terry Fewtrell

220811 - PAPER - CCCG view of the Plenary Council - John Warhurst

220810 - ARTICLE - Is the threat of schism by the German bishops and the Vatican real? - Catholic Outlook - Renardo Schlegelmilch

220807 - ARTICLE - Church must undergo profound reform to change says French Sociologist - Demers-Lemay - CRUX

220807 - ARTICLE - The Vatican and the German synod - Pearls and Irritations - Bill Uren SJ

220805 - ARTICLE - Adelaide members reflect on final assembly - Southern Cross - includes Claire Victory, John Lochowiak, Ian Cameron, Maddy Forde

220805 - ARTICLE - Getting the real story out - Southern Cross - Jenny Brinkworth

220803 - ARTICLE - Decrees ready for Rome - Southern Cross

220801 - ARTICLE - Catholic Schools and Church Renewal - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

220727 - ARTICLE - After the Plenary - Eureka Street - Geraldine Doogue

220720 - ARTICLE - What is it about women and the Church? - The Good Oil - Patty Fawkner SGS

220719 - ARTICLE - Church reform is systemic, not personal - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

220714 - ARTICLE - Last week was ground breaking for the Australian Catholic church - Pearls and Irritations - Marilyn Hatton

220714 - ARTICLE - Catholic church says no then yes to women - as submitted to The Canberra Times - John Warhurst

220713 - ARTICLE - Catholic Church’s council moved by the spirit of progress - Pearls and Irritations - Geraldine Doogue

220712 - ARTICLE - What did the Plenary Council achieve? - Eureka Street - Paul Collins

220710 - VIDEO - Plenary Council: The need for accountability and transparency - Our Common Home - John Warhurst

220709 - ARTICLE - Bishops backflip on move for women - City News

220709 - ARTICLE - The church with no faith in its women - Sydney Morning Herald - Julia Baird

220709 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic women given hope for change… maybe

220708 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Wrap-up - John Warhurst, Mel Dwyer, Patty Fawkner, Tracy McEwan

220708 - ARTICLE - Christianity: A dismal future? - Pearls and Irritations - Paul Collins

220708 - ARTICLE - Australia agrees landmark reforms on the role of women and Mass translation - The Tablet - Christopher Lamb

220708 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 18 - Look for what you can live with - John Warhurst

220708 - PLENARY SPEAKING 6 - Equality of Dignity of women takes a step forward - Francis Sullivan

220707 - ARTICLE - Nun challenges Australian plenary council to give real witness to all baptised - La Croix International

220707 - ARTICLE - Pope promises that women will soon help select bishops - La Croix International

220708 - ARTICLE - Plenty of spin at the second Catholic plenary council: Hearts were broken - Pearls and Irritations - John Warhurst

220707 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Governance, Ecology - Virginia Bourke, Jacqui Remon, Trish Hindmarsh

220707 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 17 - Today flourished under sensible strong leadership - John Warhurst

220707 - PLENARY SPEAKING 5 - Women’s collective agency spoke powerfully - Francis Sullivan

220707 - INTERVIEW - Plenary Council women - (At 43:10) - ABC RN Drive - Fr Frank Brennan SJ

220707 - INTERVIEW - Plenary Council women - (at 2.23:38) - ABC Sydney Breakfast - Marilyn Hatton

220707 - ACCCR MEDIA RELEASE - National Catholic reform group backs women’s action at Plenary Council

220707 - PAPER - Inclusive language: What are people looking for? - Peter Jones Brisbane

220707 - PAPER - Women priests: The concept of sonship - Peter Jones Brisbane

220706 - INTERVIEW - What’s the future of the Catholic Church in Australia - ABC Religion and Ethics

220706 - ARTICLE - Vote over role of women disrupts Plenary Council Assembly - Catholic Leader - Mark Bowling

220706 - ARTICLE - Tensions flare in Australian council over role of women in Catholic church - The Tablet - Christopher Lamb

220706 - PC PODCAST - Mary Ryan, John Warhurst, Jodi Steel with Michael Kenny

220706 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 16 - Plenty of Spin - John Warhurst

220706 - PLENARY SPEAKING 4 - Getting real - Francis Sullivan

220706 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Liturgy, Sacraments and Spirituality and Formation - Mark Copland, Clare Condon, Mary Coloe

220706 - ARTICLE - Stunning blow: Move to elevate women in Catholic church fails - SMH - Matthew Knott

220706 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic women’s role remains in limbo after bishops fail to deliver required vote

220705 - PLENARY SPEAKING 3 - A missionary impulse must drive us - Francis Sullivan

220705 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Missionary Call and Inclusion - Claire Victory, Andrew Hamilton, Ian Cameron, Tracy McEwan, Benjamin Oh

220705 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 15 - Some disappointed hopes - John Warhurst

220705 - ARTICLE - Canberra Catholics say Plenary Council could be the last chance for reform - Riotact - Terry Fewtrell

220704 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Reconciliation and Child Sex Abuse - John Lochowiak, Frank Brennan, Rachel McLean, Francis Sullivan, Rosie Joyce

220704 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 14 - There’s encouraging meat on the bones - John Warhurst

220704 - PLENARY SPEAKING 2 - Signs of hope but room for more - Francis Sullivan

220704 - ARTICLE - Why rad trads and reformers need to start talking to one another - Eureka Street - Beth Doherty

220703 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker II - Expectations - John Warhurst, Francis Sullivan, Catherine McAleer, Eleanor Flynn, Richard Curtain

220703 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 13 - Working within the boundaries - John Warhurst

220703 - ARTICLE - Towards a new hopefulness - Pearls and Irritations - Gail Freyne

220702 - PLENARY TRACKER II - Session 1 - Expectations

220702 - BLOG PLENARY INSIGHT 12 - Facing up face-to-face - John Warhurst

220703 - BLOG PLENARY SPEAKING 1 - We’re going to the Second Assembly - Francis Sullivan

220701 - ARTICLE - The unfashionable virtues of time and patience - Eureka Street - Andrew Hamilton

220701 - ARTICLE - Can the church learn from the federal election? - Eureka Street - Anne Walker, Emma Carolan

220630 - NEWSLETTER - PLENARY TRACKER II Book Now, PC Liturgy Book now, Loads of articles

220630 - ARTICLE - Catholic bishops playing the Plenary with questionable spirit - P&I - Terry Fewtrell

220630 - ARTICLE - Christianity in crisis? Church seeks transformation after Census results - The Canberra Times - John Warhurst

220629 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council fails to embrace Pope Francis’s social vision - P&I - Bruce Duncan

220628 - ARTICLE - A Vatican-inspired theological revolution - Eureka Street - Paul Collins

220627 - MEDIA RELEASE - Plenary Tracker program to cover Catholic summit

220623 - ARTICLE - Navigating between the perfect and the good at the second PC assembly - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

220620 - ARTICLE - One small step for women: One giant leap for herstory - The Grail in Australia - Patricia Gemmell

220620 - ARTICLE - Summary CCCG Public Forum - Plenary Council: Glimmer of Hope - Mark Metherell

220620 - NEWSLETTER - John Warhurst in conversation with Joan Chittister BOOK NOW, Plenary Tracker II

220618 - ARTICLE - What has been the significance of the Plenary Council and what more can we expect - John Warhurst

220617 - SPEECH - Catholic Secondary Principals Victoria - Plenary Council Second Assembly Process and Outcomes - John Warhurst

220615 - ARTICLE - Long-awaited Joan Chittister tour excites Australian Catholic reformers - Peter Kirkwood

220612 - COMMENT - Framework for Motions - Sense of the Faithful

220609 - AMENDMENT PROPOSALS - Framework for Motions - ACCCR

220612 - ARTICLE - The Catholic Plenary Council: A suggested preamble - Pearls and Irritations - Bill Uren sj

220609 - FLYER - CCCG Forum

220609 - PAPER - CCCG Public Forum - Paul Collins

220609 - PAPER - CCCG Public Forum - Clare Condon

220609 - PAPER - CCCG Public Forum - Andrea Dean

220609 - PAPER - CCCG Public Forum - Francis Sullivan

220530 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG Public forum 9 June, John Warhurst

220530 - NEWSLETTER - John Warhurst latest book, Sr Joan Chittister on The Drum

220530 - BOOK REVIEW - Hard Questions Born of Love by John Warhurst - Mark Metherell

220523 - PAPER - Building the Church we Need Yarra Theological Union - Francis Sullivan.pdf

220518 - SHARWOOD LECTURE - Michael Shand QC

220516 - PAPER - Building the Church we need Yarra Theological Union - John Warhurst

220502 - ARTICLE - Rome on Mission: Pope Francis’ reform of the Curia - La Croix - Austen Ivereigh (subscription)

220430 - NEWSLETTER - Upcoming CCCG Forum, Response to CG Synod submissions report, Joan Chittister Australian Tour

220429 - LETTER - to CG Archbishop from Braidwood Parish re Synod Submission - Michael Crosby AM et al

220426 - ARTICLE - Distinctive Catholic Voices in the Election Campaign - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

220426 - CCCG RESPONSE - Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese Report on Bishops’ Synod submissions

220421 - TALK - Paul Collins book launch - Paul Collins

220421 - RESPONSE - Paul Collins book launch - Joan Warhurst

220421 - RESPONSE - Paul Collins book launch - Elisabeth Doherty

220410 - BOOK REVIEW - Recovering the ‘True Church’ by Paul Collins - Paul Bongiorno

220321 - NEWSLETTER - When bishops play dirty nobody wins, PC report lacks urgency, International survey of women, more…

220321 - ARTICLE - When bishops play dirty nobody wins - Terry Fewtrell

220412 - ARTICLE - Diocesan Pastoral Council - Catholic Voice - Christopher Prowse

220311 - ARTICLE - First thoughts on Towards the Second Assembly - Peter Sheehan Sense of the Faithful

220224 - ARTICLE - To change church culture we need service-oriented leaders - Eureka Street - Anne Benjamin

220222 - NEWSLETTER - Synod submission, CCCG response to PC First Assembly Report, Cover up Culture, more…

220217 - ARTICLE - False Fruits: What hope now for the Plenary Council of the Australian Catholic Church - P&I- Peter Johnstone

220216 - PRESENTATION - ACCCR Webinar - Introduction - Vincent Long

220212 - PRESENTATION - Cover up culture: Root and Branch Webinar - Francis Sullivan

220210 - ARTICLE - Open government for the church - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

220208 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for authentic renewal - Synod on Synodality Submission

220104 - ARTICLE - Two very different parishes point to divisions in the church - US Catholic - Peter Feuerherd

211200 - SUBMISSION - Synod on Synodality Phase 1

211220 - BLOG 11 - Plenary Insight - By their fruits…

211218 - ARTICLE - Vatican lays down the law on the Old Rite - The Tablet - Christopher Lamb

211216 - ARTICLE - Can Pope Francis make real change for women? Vatican women leaders assess his chances

211109 - ARTICLE - Heartfelt plea for an inclusive Church - Catholic Outlook - Jenny Brinkworth

211108 - ARTICLE - Back to the future: Governance in the Catholic Church - UCA News - Michael Kelly

211101 - BLOG 10 - Plenary Insight - Transparency essential for next steps of Plenary Council Process

211030 - NEWSLETTER - Convocation No 3: The future of the Catholic Church, Plenary Tracker, more…

211031 - ARTICLE - Lessons from progressive Catholics for the Plenary Council - Pearls & Irritations - Jane Anderson

211029 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council reveals a diversity that is both enriching and challenging - Catholic Outlook - Patty Fawkner SGS

211028 - ARTICLE - Evaluating Plenary: One journey ends, another begins - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

211026 - ARTICLE - Catholic Church synod must bring women’s stories to the fore - Irish Times - Soline Humbert

211026 - ARTICLE - Were the ‘good old days’ in the Catholic Church really that good? - Pearls and Irritations - Claire Victory

211025 - ARTICLE - What happened at the Plenary Council? - Kevin Liston

211025 - ARTICLE - The careful choreography of plenary - Eureka Street - Francis Sullivan

211023 - ARTICLE - Synod of Bishops official stresses pope’s focus on primacy of listening that works from the bottom up - National Catholic Reporter - Christopher White

211016 - ARTICLE - The Plenary Council: Restoring the Third Rite - La Croix International - Bill Uren

211014 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholic Church council only addressed tip of the iceberg - Sight - Peta McCartney

211013 - ARTICLE - Plenary Reflections: Step towards the real test of synodality - Catholic Voice - John Warhurst

211014 - ARTICLE - Vatican II’s reform of the Mass is irreversible - America Magazine - Gerard O’Connell

211012 - ARTICLE - Heartfelt plea for an inclusive church - The Southern Cross - Jenny Brinkworth

211012 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council: The hardest work is yet to come - Pearls and Irritations - John Warhurst

211011 - ARTICLE - The Plenary Council has been a masterclass in avoiding the real problems - P&I - Paul Collins

211011 - ARTICLE - Pope urges church to leave behind outworn pastoral models - La Croix

211010 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic Plenary Assembly a first small step to much needed change

211010 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Wrap-up - John Warhurst, Paul Collins, Geraldine Doogue

211010 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - Synodality untested on resolving differences

211010 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Light from the Southern Cross

211009 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Inclusion - LGBTIQA+ - Claire Victory, Benjamin Oh, Judith Norris

211009 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - A few lessons learned

211009 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Cultural Change

211008 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Inclusion - Women - Virginia Bourke, Andrea Dean, Pip McIlroy

211008 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst -Spreading the word…

211008 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - The times they are a-changin

211007 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - The Church and the Public Sphere - Nimmi Candappa, Fatima Measham, Frank Brennan

211007 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - Formalities aside…

211007 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Confronting abuse

211006 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Governance - Helen Belcher, Mary Coloe, Peter Johnstone

211006 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - Sense of urgency rising

211006 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - The Journey

211006 - MEDIA RELEASE - Call for Catholic Plenary to support Uluru Statement from the Heart

211006 - PC SESSION 7 - Fr Richard Lennan

211006 - ARTICLE - Will Catholics get what they want from the Plenary Council? - Pearls and Irritations - Marilyn Hatton

211005 - ARTICLE - Signs of the Times - La Croix International - Massimo Faggioli

211005 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - The Royal Commission - Francis Sullivan, Anne Walker, Kathleen McPhillips

211005 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - The Messy Business of Discernment - John Warhurst

211005 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Inclusion

211004 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Spirituality and the Earth - Toni Janke, Shirley Quaressimin, Patricia Hindmarsh

211004 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - Does the agenda reflect the hard work in the 17,500 submissions? - John Warhurst

211004 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Listening

211004 - ARTICLE - Catholics push for change as Australian church launches summit - The Aust - Terry Fewtrell

211003 - VIDEO - Plenary Tracker - Expectations - John Warhurst, Eleanor Flynn, Terry Fewtrell

211003 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - Synodality and Coresponsibility should accord an equal voice as we walk together

211003 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Opening Eucharist

211003 - ARTICLE - Catholic Plenary awakens hope despite women’s fading trust in the hierarchy - Pearls and Irritations - Andrea Dean

211002 - ARTICLE - How Australia’s Plenary Council might resolve the unresolvable - Nimmi Candappa

211002 - BLOG - Plenary Insight - John Warhurst - Lots of preparation but still in the dark

211001 - BLOG - Plenary Speaking - Francis Sullivan - Need to deliver reform

210930 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholic Church Plenary Council an opportunity for major reform - ABC Online - Loretta Lohberg

210930 - ARTICLE - Canberra Catholics’ Plenary Council Tracker will open church meeting to analysis - RiotACT - Genevieve Jacobs

210930 - INTERVIEW - Australian Catholic Church Plenary Council a major opportunity for reform - ABC News radio - John Warhurst

210930 - MEDIA RELEASE - Archbishop’s comments spark cautious hope of a Catholic rethink

210930 - PODCAST - The Battle Inside the Catholic Church - 7am - Ruby Jones and Mike Seccombe

210929 - INTERVIEW - A Historic Catholic Summit - Robert Fitzgerald, Mark Coleridge - ABC Religion and Ethics

210929 - TRANSCRIPT - Robert Fitzgerald - ABC RN Breakfast

210929 - INTERVIEW - Will a Summit for Australian Catholics go far enough to confront systemic abuse? - ABC RN Breakfast - Robert Fitzgerald

210925 - ARTICLE - Exclusive - George Pell returned to Australia ahead of church reforms - The Saturday Paper - Mike Seccombe

210924 - ARTICLE - Cracking Open the Plenary Council: Helpers wanted for Mark Coleridge and the Holy Spirit - Pearls and Irritations - Terry Fewtrell

210923 - ARTICLE - Ferment in the Catholic Church - as submitted to The Canberra Times - John Warhurst

210923 - ARTICLE - The Australian Catholic Church’s Angle of Vanishing Stability - Pearls and Irritations - Terry Fewtrell

210920 - STATEMENT - Plenary Council Journey - Susan Sullivan and Terry Fewtrell

210919 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG Plenary Council Journey, A Church for All launch speeches

210912 - ARTICLE - The Plenary Council - Consulting the Faithful - Bill Uren sj

210909 - VIDEO - Book Launch - A Church for All

210909 - SPEECH - Book launch - A Church for All - Response on behalf of authors - John Warhurst

210909 - SPEECH - Book Launch - A Church for All - Claire Victory

210909 - SPEECH - Book launch - A Church for All - Francis Sullivan

210907 - RESOURCES - Emmaus Productions - Kevin Treston

210907 - ARTICLE - Listening to the Faithful - Vatican News - Salvatore Cernuzio

210831 - ARTICLE - Cultural Changes During Vatican II - La Civilta Cattolica - Bartolomeo Sorge SJ

210829 - ACCCR MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic Reform Movement Gathers Momentum

210826 - ARTICLE - Strapped in for the Plenary Council Ride - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

210826 - PAPER - ACCCR Convocation No 2 - Synodality: An International Perspective - Dr Jessie Rogers

210826 - FLYER - Convocation 2

210826 - INFORMATION SHEET - Convocation 2

210826 - PARISH NOTICE - Convocation No 2

210822 - ACCCR MEDIA RELEASE - Lay leaders to present vision for renewal in the Catholic Church

210821 - NEWSLETTER - Response to Plenary Council Agenda

210816 - FLYER - Opening the Doors by Kevin Treston

210815 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic bishops’ agenda ‘insipid, timid’

210806 - FLYER - The Curia is the Pope - John O’Loughlin Kennedy

210806 - ARTICLE - A call to the Plenary Council - Garry Everett

210804 - PAPER - A reformist response to the Plenary Council Agenda - Terry Fewtrell

210804 - ARTICLE - What good may come from the Plenary Council - Jim Jones

210804 - ARTICLE - What we might hope for from the Plenary Council - Jim Jones

210801 - ACCCR PAPER - The Australian Plenary Council - An agenda for reform?

210722 - ARTICLE - Nathalie Becquart explains Synodality - La Croix International (subscription required)

210720 - ARTICLE - The challenges of representing Catholic Australia - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

210707 - PRESENTATION - The Contribution of the Light from the Southern Cross to the Plenary Council and Beyond - John Warhurst

210630 - LECTURE - My hope for the Plenary Council: Abundance of goodwill or last throw of the dice - Bishop Vincent Long

210609 - NEWSLETTER - Wrestling with the Church hierarchy John Warhurst

210602 - LAUNCH SPEECH - Now or Never: Remarks by John Warhurst at Book Launch - Pearls and Irritations

210531 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholic Media Censorship: Pravda-Style - Rod Page - Pearls and Irritations

210527 - LAUNCH SPEECH - Genevieve Jacobs - John Warhurst Book Launch

210527 - REMARKS - David Hughan Garratt Publishing - John Warhurst Book Launch

210527 - OPENING REMARKS - Terry Fewtrell - John Warhurst Book Launch

210521 - Vatican revises synod process beginning with local consultation - Cindy Wooden - The Tablet

210516 - Stop suppressing Catholics, outspoken nun tells Australian church leaders - Farrah Tomazin

210512 - Amazon bishops ‘disappointed’ by synod outcome - The Tablet

210511 - Australian archbishop says there’s no stopping pope’s push for synodality - Robert Mickens - Catholic Outlook

210511 - Pope Francis faces another German reformation - Ross Douthat - The New York Times

210505 - ACCCR MEDIA RELEASE - Catholicism “must grow up”, reform leader tells big Australian audience

210503 - PAPER - Instrumentum Laboris - Assessment and Analysis - Terry Fewtrell

210502 - ACCCR FLYER - Joan Chittister - Convocation No 1

210502 - ACCCR INFORMATION - Joan Chittister - Convocation No 1

210412 - ACCR MEDIA RELEASE - International reform advocate Joan Chittister to address Australian Catholics

210412 - Cardinal unveils major Vatican conference on priesthood slated for 2022 - Cindy Wooden - CNS

210412 - MEDIA RELEASE - A voice for lay Catholics in Canberra Goulburn diocese wins strong support

210408 - PRESENTATION - CCCG Public Forum - Andrea Dean

210408 - PRESENTATION - CCCG Public Forum - Becoming a listening and learning church - Richard Lennan

210408 - BACKGROUND PAPER - Diocesan Pastoral Councils - A Canberra Goulburn review and a brief national overview - Terry Fewtrell

210408 - ZOOM VIDEO - CCCG Public Forum - A Diocesan Pastoral Council - Why Not - Richard Lennan and Andrea Dean

210408 - FLYER - CCCG Public Forum - An archdiocesan pastoral council: Why not?

210402 - The Plenary Council Instrumentum laboris: Is it really a handy tool kit? - John N Collins

210324 - Catholic renewal coalition discusses Plenary Council with Archbishops - Andrea Dean - Pearls and Irritations

210319 - While we can ‘celebrate small victories’ Catholic women deserve much more - Patty Fawkner - Pearls and Irritations

210308 - Considering church leadership on International Women’s Day - Mark Bowling - Catholic Leader

210304 - Explainer: Cardinal Tobin will now help Pope Francis pick bishops. What does that mean for the U.S. Church? - Colleen Dulle - America Magazine

210302 - The Remains of Vatican II - Massimo Faggioli - Commonweal

210221 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council progresses without transparency or inclusion of lay Catholics - John Warhurst - P & I

210221 - The Church and social justice issues after Trump - Bruce Duncan - Pearls and Irritations

210205 - US Catholic bishops answer Biden executive orders with flood of press releases - Thomas Reese - National Catholic Reporter

210111 - Archbishop Coleridge: Catholic bishops can’t risk falling back on old tactics of political engagement - America

210117 - Pope Francis: Ministries of lector and acolyte to be open to women

210105 - ARTICLE - Vale Bishop Robinson - Francis Sullivan - Pearls and Irritations

210103 - Obituary for Bishop Geoff Robinson - Michael Kelly - Pearls and Irritations

201231 - REFLECTION - Michael McGill ACCCR

201224 - The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus Christ - New York Times - Peter Wehner

201130 - MEDIA RELEASE - The Pope’s revolution: What we need to hear

201126 - FLYER - CCCG Zoom Forum - The Pope’s Revolution: The Implications of Laudato Si

201126 - PAPER - CCCG Public Forum - Laudato Si - How do we Respond? - Globally, Locally and Personally - Patricia Hindmarsh

201126 - PAPER - CCCG Public Forum - The Pope’s Revolution: The Implications of Laudato Si - Paul Collins

201125 - ARTICLE - Action Plan Mission from McCarrick Report can be found Down Under - Massimo Faggioli - La Croix International

201119 - Media matters for the good of the church - Eureka Street - Peter Donnan

201119 - FULL PAPER - A Complementary Voice in Catholicism - Kevin Liston

201119 - SUMMARY PAPER - A Complementary Voice in Catholicism - Kevin Liston

201117 - PAPER - Joan Kirner Oration - Paul Bongiorno

201101 - Will I go back to Mass? - Pearls and Irritations - Chris Sidoti

201029 - Synodality in a socially distanced world - Massimo Faggioli - La Croix International

201027 - MEDIA RELEASE - Reissued - Catholic forum hears blueprint for do-able change

201022 - PRESENTATION - CCCG Public Forum - Susan Pascoe AM

201022 - PRESENTATION - CCCG Public Forum - Virginia Bourke

201019 - Church must atone for its sins of abuse: Hans Zollner - The Tablet - Christa Pongratz Lippitt

201019 - CRA MEDIA RELEASE - CRA endorses vision for the Church in The Light From the Southern Cross

201018 - Reflection - Sing a New Song - Peter Johnstone ACCCR

201015 - Pope Francis’s encyclical on human fraternity and social friendship - Bruce Duncan - Pearls and Irritations

201014 - On behalf of victim survivors: the church has to own this worldwide scandal - Chris Geraghty - Pearls and Irritations

201013 - ARTICLE - The beginning of the end - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

201010 - SPEECH - Launch Concerned Catholics Tasmania - Francis Sullivant AO

201011 - The Catholic Church: Who needs reform? - Gideon Goosen - Pearls and Irritations

201004 - Pope Francis’s call to fraternity - Fratelli Tutti - Commonweal - Austen Ivereigh

200930 - NEWSLETTER - Factions and ginger groups, notes for meetings with diocesan bishops

200930 - Grieving for the lost parish - Eric Hodgens - La Croix International

200924 - People leaving the church in droves warns McAleese - Ruth Gledhill , Christa Pongratz-Lippitt - The Tablet

200922 - ACBC CRA Statement - Catholic leaders thank Implementation Advisory Group members

200917 - Diocese of Parramatta - Statement in support of Bishop Long - Parramatta Diocesan Pastoral Council

200910 - ARTICLE - Factions and ginger groups in the church - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

200910 - ARTICLE - Holy See response to child sex abuse Royal Commission another example of example of clerical obstinance - Peter Wilkinson and Des Cahill

200831 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops are deceiving laity about Plenary Council agenda

200827 - CCCG FORUM PAPER - Discernment Paper Review - Terry Fewtrell

200827 - CCCG FORUM PAPER - Whither or Wither the Plenary Council - Andrew Phelan

200827 - CCCG FORUM PAPER - Response - Beth Doherty

200823 - MEDIA RELEASE - Historic Catholic Church Governance Review Provides Blueprint for Reform

200823 - Homily - Frank Brennan sj - Light from the Southern Cross

200821 - ACBC CRA Media Release - Catholic leaders publish report on church governance

200821 - Reading Guide - Light from the Southern Cross

200819 - IAG Media Release - Historic review of church governance released

200818 - Let’s use the title co-worker for lay people in parish leadership - NCR Online - Christine Schenk

200816 - After the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse crisis, female theologians are calling for changes to leadership - ABC


200814 - The Australian Catholic Church’s silent treatment - Pearls and Irritations - Garry Everett

200806 - ARTICLE - A breach of faith with many thousands of Catholics - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

200806 - Pope Francis appoints six women to Vatican Economic Council - Gerard O’Connell - America Today

200803 - MEDIA RELEASE - CCCG urge bishops to release essential document

200801 - LETTER - To Archbishop Timothy Costelloe re PC Working Documents - John Warhurst

200731 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG July 2020 - call to release essential PC working document, appoint woman co-chair PC

200730 - Plenary Council Statement - Working Document next step in Plenary Council process

200720 - MEDIA RELEASE - ACCCR - Catholic bishops urged to get serious and appoint a woman as co-chair of Plenary Council, morel

200716 - NOTES - Notes for meetings with diocesan bishops and managers

200716 - Should we be celebrating? 150 year anniversary of dogma on papal infallibility - La Croix International

200715 - Knockers or Rockers of the Barque of Peter - Trish Hindmarsh - Pearls and Irritations

200713 - Bishops and Branch Stacking - The Second Oldest Profession - David Timbs - Pearls and Irritations

200706 - WATAC Media Release - New opportunities for dignity in the church

200703 - Newsletter - Sense of the Faithful

200630 - The Australian - Axing of child sex body by Catholic Church praised - Victoria Laurie

200629 - ARTICLE - National Plenary Council Discernment Reports - Andrew Phelan Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

200629 - ACBC MEDIA BLOG - New national office will streamline, coordinate, safeguarding efforts

200629 - The Australian - Catholic Church moves to axe sex-abuse watchdog - Victoria Laurie

200626 - MEDIA RELEASE - ACCCR - Catholic lay groups harness energy for national reform

200618 - DISCUSSION PAPER - ACCCR Zoom Conference - Discernment Papers - Terry Fewtrell Andrew Phelan

200617 - A Plenary of broken promises - Pearls and Irritations - Gail Freyne

200611 - ARTICLE - The Light from the Southern Cross: A report on Catholic Church governance - Francis Sullivan - Pearls and Irritations

200610 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG June 2020 - Governance report and more….

200610 - ARTICLE - Catholic bishops need to give up secrecy and learn to trust - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

200603 - ARTICLE - First steps to a much better church? Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

200602 - REPORT - The Light from the Southern Cross: A report on Catholic Church governance - Pearls and Irritations

200528 - ARTICLE - Cardinal Pell and Australian Catholicism: Where does the centre of gravity lie…? - John Warhurst - The Swag

200528 - ARTICLE - Church governance review project team opportunity - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

200528 - Most prominent issues fo rthe Plenary Council agenda - Peter Wilkinson - The Swag

200526 - Historical church governance report locked down by Australian bishops - Peter Wilkinson Gail Freyne - Pearls and Irritations

200521 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics CG call for church governance report release

200519 - New Australian report may help church find its way out of abuse crisis - Massimo Faggioli - NCR

200518 - ACBC media release - Historic review of church governance presented to leaders

200515 - REPORT - CCCG Chair - Newsletter

200513 - ARTICLE - Catholic bishops must embrace transparency and accountability - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

200511 - New church abuse protocols to replace controversial compo scheme - The Age

200510 - I’m not a used car salesman: Can the archbishop [Comensoli, Melbourne] chart a new course - The Age

200508 - ACBC media release - Archbishop Coleridge re elected President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

200506 - ACBC statement - Bishops to consider final report of national review of Governance of dioceses and parishes

200501 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG May 2020

200501 - ARTICLE - Cardinal Pell’s release stokes concerns about Australia’s Plenary Council

200500 - ACCCR COMMUNIQUE - To Australian Catholic bishops and religious leaders

200412 - HOMILY - Easter Sunday - Frank Brennan

200405 - REFLECTION - Impact of COVID-19 - Herbie O’Flynn

200405 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG 5 April 2020

200404 - Joanne Mccarthy steps out of the newsroom after 40 years

200402 - PAPER - Letters from the Amazon Synod - Br Mark O’Connor

200402 - POWER POINT PRESENTATION - Post Amazon - Terry Fewtrell

200402 - PAPER - Learnings from the Amazon Synod - Terry Fewtrell

200402 - BACKGROUND - Listen to what the spirit is saying: An assessment - Terry Fewtrell

200402 - BACKGROUND - Letters from the Synod - Follow the painlines - Catholic Outlook - Br Mark O’Connor

200402 - POWER POINT - Implications for women in the church - Amazon Synod - Agnes Dodds

200402 - POWER POINT - Amazon Synod - Paul Nicoll

200402 - BACKGROUND PAPER - Amazon Synod - Paul Nicoll

200402 - FLYER - CCCG Public Forum - Amazon Synod

200331 - PAPER - Governance Review Update - John Warhurst

200330 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Chair appointed delegate on 2020 Plenary Council

200327 - PAPER - Women in the church: A critical issue for the 2020 Plenary Council - Marilyn Hatton

200327 - PAPER - Plenary Council 2020 - A Progress Report - Paul Collins

200318 - MEDIA RELEASE - Public Forum Cancelled

200311 - MEDIA RELEASE - Australian Catholics demand change

200308 - TRANSCRIPT - Catholics yearning for change - Sunday Nights Bill Crews - John Warhurst

200304 - PAPER - IAG Governance Symposium - Massimo Faggioli

200304 - PAPER - IAG Governance Symposium - Richard Lennan

200304 - PAPER - IAG Governance Symposium - Myrian Wijlens

200303 - MEDIA RELEASE - Official report signals Australia’s Catholics are pressing for reforms

200301 - Church governance needs to walk the walk - John Warhurst - La Croix International (Subscription)

200227 - PRESENTATION - Church governance in flux - John Warhurst - Catholic Social Services Victoria Conference

200226 - New Wine, New Wine Skins - Francis Sullivan - Pearls and Irritations

200225 - Learning to open the Heart - Joan Chittister - Vision and Viewpoint

200222 - SUBMISSION - Plenary Council - Damian Carroll Patrick Nunan Toowoomba

200117 - Committee to recommend Australian bishops give laity certain control - National Catholic Reporter

200116 - The uncontrollable consequences of a broken promise - Robert Mickens - La Croix International

200116 - ARTICLE - Catholics deserve openness on Australian Catholic Bishops funding cuts - John Warhurst - Canberra Times

200113 - MEDIA RELEASE - Secret Church Business Must End - Concerned Catholics

191230 - Ordinary Catholics are repulsed by leadership’s inaction on child sex abuse - Anne Cahill Lambert - The Canberra Times

191211 - ARTICLE - Movement for church renewal keeps growing - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

191207 - SPEECH - Generating action for church renewal - Launceston - John Warhurst

191128 - FLYER - Public Forum

191128 - BACKGROUND PAPER - Public Forum

191128 - CONTEXT PAPER - Public Forum

191118 - Pope says more must be done to include women in church bodies - Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service

191117 - SPEECH - Being Church beyond the Royal Commission - Paul Bongiorno - Voices for Hope and Challenge - Melbourne

191115 - SPEECH - Inclusive transparent and accountable governance in the church - John Warhurst - Voices for Hope and Challenge Melbourne

191114 - VIDEO - Seeking the right side of history: Theology and the sex abuse crisis - Richard Lennan

191114 - PAPER - Beyond scandal and shame: Ecclesiology and the longing for a transformed church - Richard Lennan

191111 - Top Five takeaways from the Amazon Synod - America Magazine

191109 - What will happen to conservative Catholicism

191031 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council - Faith and hope in abundance - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

191014 - VIDEO - What about me? Women and the Catholic Church - Presentation to We are Church Ireland - Dr Sharon Tighe Mooney

191014 - BACKGROUND - Presentation - Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney

191028 - MEDIA RELEASE - The Synod of Amazonia has concluded with many changes in motion, but not for women

191026 - Amazon Synod calls for married priests, pope to reopen women deacons commission - National Catholic Reporter

191010 - MEDIA RELEASE - Parish pastoral councils - building blocks of future church

191024 - FLYER - Public Forum - Concerned Catholics Wagga Wagga Diocese

190929 - ABC Compass - What now for Catholics? - Robert Fitzgerald, Francis Sullivan, Mark Coleridge, Lana Turvey Collins

190805 - MEDIA RELEASE - Break open the word on Plenary Council Australian bishops urged

190626 - SPEECH - our church or our museum? - CCCG Public Forum - Frank Brennan

190510 - Australian church looks for more collegial models of governance - The Tablet

190510 - Pope issues decree to force priests and nuns to report sex abuse - The Guardian

190510 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG 10 May 2019

190509 - [US] Catholic leaders welcome Pope Francis’ new rules on reporting sex abuse - America Magazine

190507 - Australian Catholic church: reform or die - Michael Sainsbury - Pearls and Irritations

190502 - Church reform must increase transparency - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190426 - What do the church’s victims deserve? - Paul Elie - Pearls and Irritations (first published in the New Yorker)

190426 - Robert Fitzgerald provides a glimmer of hope for Australia’s Catholics - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

190422 - Pope proposes radical shakeup of the Roman curia - The Tablet

190416 - SPEECH - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Governing out of hope, not fear

190412 - Benedict’s untimely meditation: How his essay on sex abuse is being weaponised - Commonweal - Massimo Faggioli

190411 - Women critical to the church: Commissioner - Tessa Akerman - The Australian

190410 - MEDIA RELEASE - Public Forum - A Catholic future - out of hope not fear - Robert Fitzgerald AM

190324 - Seven changes the Catholic Church must make now - Francis Sullivan - ABC Online

190315 - ARTICLE - Canberra Catholics lay out church reform agenda - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

190307 - Renown reformer: Church has five years for a complete turnaround, or its over - La Croix

190306 - Australian Catholics take stock as Pell falls - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190224 - Pope Francis calls for an ‘all out battle’ against the evil of sex abuse - America Magazine

190223 - Journalist at abuse summit: The press is not the enemy of the church - America Magazine - Gerard O’Connell

190223 - Prayer alone is no panacea for church - Editorial - Newcastle Herald - Quotes Peter Gogarty and Bob O’Toole

190222 - The sex abuse summit and the Vatican’s lack of transparency - La Croix - Robert Mickens

190222 - Exclusive: Archbishop suggests creating new Vatican office to tackle abuse and clerical culture - NCR Online - Josh McElwee

190223 - Good reading and listening for the weekend - Vatican sex abuse summit - Pearls and Irritations

190222 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG 22 February 2019

190221 - Pope Francis presents 21-point ‘road map’ to guide discussion at abuse summit - America Magazine

190221 - Reflection points for Vatican summit - Vatican

190221 - Vatican abuse summit: The key questions - AAP

190221 - SUBMISSION - Concerned Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190221 - OPINION - CC Submission to 2020 Plenary Council - Terry Fewtrell

190221 - Marilyn Hatton: Pray and light a candle for our church in crisis - Pearls and Irritations

190220 - TRANSCRIPT - Interview - John Warhurst - ABC Religion and Ethics Report

190220 - Despite threats of protests Irish government minister delivers talk on women’s ordination - NCR Online

190219 - Catholic archbishop calls for change ahead of Vatican summit on abuse - Sydney Morning Herald

190218 - Sexual abuse summit: Naive no more - Eureka Street - Tracey Edstein

190218 - Shaping the Pope’s sexual abuse summit - Eureka Street - Andrew Hamilton

190216 - Pope defrocks Theodore McCarrick, Ex-cardinal accused of sexual abuse - New York Times

190201 - Frequent-flier pope will soon face one of the biggest challenges of his pontificate - La Croix /Pearls and Irritations - Mickens

190131 - Prominent survivor submits recommendations for Vatican abuse summit - Crux

190131 - CC NEWSLETTER - Draft submission, CC Chair appointed to church governance review, more…

190130 - SUBMISSION - St Carthage’s Parish Melbourne - Clericalism

190130 - Call for national assembly of laity- Southern Cross - John Sabine

190131 - Faith without good works is dead - John Sabine SA

190131 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG 31 January 2019

190130 - SUBMISSION - Australian Reforming Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190129 - Is church reform supported by Australian catholic media? - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Donnan

190129 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Chair appointed to major governance review panel

190114 - Church response to modern abuse scandals ‘same as 30 years ago’ Marie Collins - Irish Times - Patsy McGarry

190109 - A Church within the Church. Behind the new integralism is the old intransigentism - Pearls and Irritations - Massimo Faggioli

190109 - Canon lawyer becomes the first lay person to be appointed as Brisbane Vice Chancellor - Catholic Leader

190107 - German bishop says Church must examine episcopal power - Christa Pongratz-Lippitt in Vienna

190107 - Pope Francis warns diplomats against rising nationalism, talks about sexual abuse for first time - America Magazine

190104 - German Cardinal calls for new thinking ahead of celibacy discussion - America Magazine

181229 - All we want for Christmas is bishops who listen and act - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

181228 - Abuse expert [Hans Zollner sj] hopes summit will include bishops’ accountability - Catholic News Service

181219 - From Classical Christianity to Qantum Christianity - Fr Peter Day

181210 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics work on blueprint for Church reform

181207 - Phillip Wilson’s dead letter day - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181128 - Parish pastoral council - A compliance only or a structure for co-responsibility - Aengus Kavanagh The Swag

181128 - Article - Terry Fewtrell - Seems Francis is with the people - As submitted to Pearls and Irritations

181127 - Article - The ongoing threat of fundamentalism - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

181123 - Abuse and cover ups must no longer be tolerated - L’Osservatore Romano

181115 - MEDIA RELEASE - EDNA awards - Marilyn Hatton a leader for women

181114 - Seeking a plenary council fit for purpose - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181112 - National Apology - Senator Kristina Keneally parliamentary speech

180921 - Former Vatican ambassador Tim Fischer links bishop vacancy to failure to deal with clergy sexual abuse - ABC Riverina

180920 - For real change, we must get at four roots deeper than church structures - Joan Chittister - NCR

180919 - Australian bishop who was victim of sex abuse speaks on U.S. church’s crisis - Jim McDermott sj - America Magazine

180914 - Bishop Long urges support for Pope Francis and reform - Mark Metherell - Catholic Voice

180918 - Francis gives laity greater role in synods - Christopher Lamb - The Tablet

180911 - Bishop Vincent Long’s address - CC public forum

180901 - Catholic church rejects its own advice to lift veil of secrecy - Sydney Morning Herald - Joanne McCarthy

180906 - Catholic Church must be subject to the law of the land to keep children safe -  Riotact.com - Rebecca Vassarotti

180903 - Push to get more women into decision-making roles within Catholic Church - Newcastle Herald

180901 - What will it take to prove the church gets it - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

180831 - Reporting confessional sex abuse claims should be 'non-negotiable': victims' lawyer - SBS

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 1 - Where from and where to: The Truth Justice and Healing Council, the Royal Commission and the Catholic Church in Australia April 2018

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 2 - The Royal Commission’s recommendations, and responses from the Truth Justice and Healing Council

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 3 - What we have done: an activity report from the Truth Justice and Healing Council 2013-2018

189831 - TJHC Report - Volume 4 - Emerging themes: A snapshot taken by church authorities in Australia to formation, governance, legal and policy issue (2016)

180831 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics note church's response to Royal Commission

180831 - Joint Media Release - ACBC and CRA - The Catholic church has learned, is changing and will keep changing

180831 - JOINT REPORT - ACBC and CRA respond to the child sex abuse royal commission

180728 - Let's talk about the Catholic bishops - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

180828 - Death in the Church - Is new life ahead? - Omega Centre - Ilia Delio

180827 - Can religious institutions come back after the Royal Commission? - ABC Late Night Live

180822 - Dear brother bishops: The time for closed doors is over - America Magazine

180822 - What happened when a dad challenged his priest during mass about the sex abuse crisis - America Magazine

180823 - Pope must now tackle bishops - Paul Collins - ABC Online

180822 - CRA Statement - Pope Francis letter

180821 - Pope's abuse letter too little, too late - News.com

180821 - ACBC Statement - Pope Francis letter

180820 - Pope Francis condemns church sex abuse in response to new revelations in US - ABC Online

180820 - Letter - Pope Francis: Letter to the People of God

180817 - Catholic world has eyes on Australia's plenary council, US theologian says - Catholic Leader

180815 - Women of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese have designed their own consultation event to contribute to Plenary Council

180911 - FLYER - CC Public Forum: The Future of the Catholic Church in Australia: The role of the laity in Church renewal

180816 - Statement - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Announces Effort That Will Involve Laity, Experts, and the Vatican as U.S. Bishops Resolve to Address "Moral Catastrophe"

180815 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics welcome a glimpse of reform and call for action

180813 - Cardinal Wuerl lays out plan for lay involvement in bishops' accountability - CNA

180804 - What do you think God is asking - Aurora: Diocese of Maitland Newcastle

180807 - Bishop: Lay faithful, not bishops, must investigate McCarrick and coverup - NCR

180804 - Catholic Church's response to child sex abuse Royal Commission set for release - ABC AM

180804 - Survivors, advocates ask why the Church has lagged on Royal Commission response - ABC AM

180803 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to release Royal Commission response this month

180731 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics respond to Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Wilson resignation - Crux

180730 - Archbishop Wilson resigns amid child sex abuse cover up - ABC

180730 - Pope accepts resignation of archbishop facing prison time for failing to report sex abuse - America Magazine

190730 - ACBC Statement - Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Archdiocese of Adelaide Statement - Archbishop Wilson resigns

180730 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops must respond with integrity to Royal Commission recommendations

180727 - The Pope's long, hot summer - Robert Mickens, La Croix

180726 - ABC 7:30 Report - The ongoing controversy over the refusal of Archbishop Wilson to resign - John Warhurst comments

180726 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to focus on Royal Commission at August meeting

180726 - Bishops to release Catholic Church response to Royal Commission - Newcastle Herald

180725 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn want to know where the bishops stand on the Royal Commission recommendations

180720 - Statement from the National Council of Priests Australia: Resignation of Archbishop Philip Wilson

180720 - America Magazine - Vatican expert: To fight sex abuse, the catholic church must invest in women

180720 - MEDIA RELEASE - Follow us on Twitter

180700 - Draft archdiocesan submission to the plenary council

180718 - RN Religion Report - Rethinking the Vatican birth control decree after 50 years - Paul Collins

180718 - RN Religion Report - Absolute Power discusses controversial Humanae Vitae written in 1968 - Paul Collins

180713 - Catholic Leader - New resource launched to support lay pastoral ministers will be a vital tool for the Church - Coleridge

180713 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for urgent review of church governance

180712 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics question saccharine editing of reform call

180712 - Newcastle Herald - Australia's catholic bishops are under increasing pressure to make child abuse reports public after nuns, brothers and friars 'favour' release - Joanne McCarthy

180706 - ABC - Archbishop Julian Porteous criticised for banning Fr Frank Brennan over same sex marriage views

180705 - ACBC Statement - Archbishop Mark Coleridge - Philip Wilson

180705 - Crux - Some Australian bishops urge Wilson to resign - Christopher White

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Catholic archbishops advise Archbishop Wilson to resign - Joanne McCarthy

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Major Catholic church consultation ambitious, but will it succeed? John Warhurst

180623 - Catholic Herald - Church now facing its own #MeToo moment, says Australian archbishop Mark Coleridge

180621 - Catholic Outlook - National consultations on new Catholic Safeguarding Standards for children

180620 - Newcastle Herald - Bishop breaks ranks on church report into child abuse royal commission

180620 - Crux - Australian prelate: Laity could have prevented 'catastrophic' abuse crisis

180620 - Foreign Affairs - Making some noise for God - Maria Clara Bingemer

180613 - ABC - Robust monitoring, accountability and leadership essential to stop institutional child sexual abuse

180612 - America The Jesuit Review - Clergy abuse survivors launch global accountability effort

180606 - Canberra Times - Reporting scheme shouldn't ignore Catholic community's concerns: Archbishop Christopher Prowse

180601 - Crux - Expert on abuse says it's about 'who we are as church?' - Ines San Martin

180512 - ABC - Pope accepts resignation of three Chilean bishops over child abuse

180527 - PRESENTATION - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Royal Commission: Lessons and learnings for the People of God

180500 - Listening to Women Statement

180521 - ACBC - Pope Francis sends blessings as Plenary Council process begins

180514 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis on clericalism and encouragement for lay participation in
the Church: Concerned Catholics - As submitted to Catholic Voice for June edition

180514 - Crux - Confessional seal not ‘linchpin of culture of secrecy,’ Aussie prelate says - Mark Coleridge

180512 - Crux - Ahead of pope's meeting with Chile bishops, laity calling for more power

180508 - Pearls and Irritations - Jesus the forgotten feminist - Chris Geraghty

180506 - ABC RN God Forbid - Is there another schism forming in the Catholic Church - Marilyn Hatton

180504 - ACBC - Archbishop Mark Coleridge elected President of the ACBC

180503 - ACBC MEDIA RELEASE - New advisory body to monitor Catholic reforms in response to child sexual abuse tragedy

180502 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Would ordaining women save the Catholic Church?

180426 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Institutional reform following the Royal Commission on child sex abuse is women’s work - Margaret O'Connor

180427 - The Ozanam Conversation - Bishop Vincent Long and Geraldine Doogue

180403 - Let’s be less shrill about church-state relations - Frank Brennan sj - Eureka Street

180403 - CATHOLIC LEADER - Plenary Council facilitator urges all church members to speak from their heart and mind

180330 - FINAL BLOG - Francis Sullivan Truth Justice and Healing Council

180331 - Mud-wrestling the Catholic elephant - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

180328 - Letter to the Editor - The Canberra Times - James Gralton

180328 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholics need to wake up - Terry Fewtrell

180326 - ARTICLE - St Matthew's Page responds to Royal Commission and to its own history of child sexual abuse

180325 - Youth want bishops to face sex abuse, women in the Church - Crux

180323 - COMMUNIQUE - Forum - Australian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform

180322 - SPEECH - CC Public Forum Canberra - Francis Sullivan

180319 - MEDIA RELEASE - Changing the Catholic Church is like mud wrestling an elephant

180319 - Australian church gets papal OK to hold plenary council Catholic News Agency

180305 - The Real Crisis in Australian Catholicism - Paul Collins

180226 - Calls for change within the church will be its salvation - Sr Patty Fawkner - Pearls and Irritations

180107 - A sickness has infected the Catholic church in Scotland -  Kevin McKenna - The Guardian

180104 - Catholic church whistle blower cleric, Fr Tom Doyle, urges Australian Government to be bold - Newcastle Herald

171223 - Catholic women speak out - Marilyn Hatton, Moira Coombs - Pearls and Irritations

171219 - Australian church, take abuse commission report seriously or risk irrelevance - Francis Sullivan - National Catholic Reporter

171219 - Clericalism, celibacy and child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Australia - Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - Mothballing the clerical collar will help prevent clergy sexual abuse - Michael Mullins - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - MEDIA RELEASE - Royal Commission report must ignite real change in Catholic Church

171215 - Video Statement - Francis Sullivan - Royal Commission final report response - The Guardian

171215 - Interview - Francis Sullivan - ABC radio Melbourne

171215 - TJHC - Commission's final report released - Catholic Church must act

171215 - TJHC - First order of government business should be COAG committee to implement Royal Commission’s recommendations

171212 - The Royal Commission a mixed blessing - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

171204 - Why women should run the Catholic Church - Donella Johnston

171201 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic women's exclusion from power points to church's malaise

171120 - ACatholic Church 2020 Plenary Council: bishops must tap into the grassroots without delay - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171114 - Justice Peter McClellan says Police had an ‘understanding’ to protect churches from scandal - Joanne McCarthy - Newcastle Herald

171106 - Time to change catholic church Canberra Catholics say - Tom McIlroy - The Canberra Times

171104 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic bishops must reform now to quell exodus

171104 - Their cross to bear: The Catholic women told to forgive domestic violence - Hayley Gleeson with Julia Baird - ABC

171101 - Social Policy Connections - Pope Francis under attack - Bruce Duncan

171101 - The dangers of a feminine touch - Kevin Peoples - Pearls and Irritations

171027 - The war against Pope Francis - Andrew Brown - The Guardian

171000 - Together Diocese of Wagga Wagga Page 5 - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

171025 - SUBMISSION - Canberra Catholics 2020 Synod

171009 - Australian church facing biggest crisis in its history, says Brisbane Archbishop - The Tablet

171007 - Is the Pope a Catholic? - Richard R Gaillardetz - The Tablet

170928 - The Tablet - Elitist priesthood drawing last breaths: Bishop Vincent Long - Mark Brolly

170915 - Letter - Church can win friends - Fr Peter Day - The Canberra Times

170914 - Two NSW Catholic bishops have broken  ranks with the No side in the same-sex marriage debate - The Australian

170914 - Melbourne study reveals how a global child sexual abuse tragedy occurred - Newcastle Herald

170914 - ARTICLE - RMIT - Report lifts lid on Catholic Church and child sex abuse - includes link to report and podcast

170913 - The Catholic Church is circling the wagons - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Johnstone

170912 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations -  Anne O'Brien - Clericalism is alive and well in the Catholic Church

170910 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Church democracy and the 2020 Plenary Council

170911 - ARTICLE - The Tablet - Australians have 'lost trust completely' in the church, says member of pope's commission for the protection of minors

170908 - ARTICLE - BBI - The Journey to 2020: Opening the Conversation to the Plenary Council

170907 - ARTICLE - Catholic Leader - Fr Hans Zollner - Australians have lost trust in the local church following sexual abuse scandals

170905 - ARTICLE - Seeking a path from Pell to a Plenary Council - Massimo Faggioli

170904 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

170831 - PRESENTATION - Fr Peter Day - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170831 - PRESENTATION - Sr Ruth Durick - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170828 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - International Authority on the Church's governance to visit Australia - Peter Johnstone

170824 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Public Forum 31 August 2107 Canberra

170817 - ARTICLE - National Catholic Reporter - Church reform groups support call for Year of the Laity

170816 - ARTICLE - ABC Online - Catholic Church unlikely to change abuse review head Elizabeth Proust says

170808 - ARTICLE - Far East - Working with the laity and enjoying it - Fr Noel Connolly

170804 - ACBC BLOG - Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council Appoints Plenary Council Facilitator and Facilitation Team

170730 - HOMILY - Wagga Wagga Diocese Centenary Mass - Archbishop Francis Carroll

170730 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - Ordinary Catholics must help with reform - Kevin Liston

170724 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Reforming the Catholic Church: It's up to the laity - Margaret O'Connor

170720 - ARTICLE - Catholic Mission - Plenary Council 2020 - Our chance to be a synodal church - Fr Noel Connolly

170703 -  ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Geraldine Doogue - Flawed Catholic Church a test for true believers

170630 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops' confidential committee process unfortunate

170629 - ARTICLE - ACBC Blog - Bishops announce appointment of plenary council executive committee

170628 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times / The Age - Census Data 2016: Canberra residents reporting 'no religion' hits 36 per cent

170627 - MEDIA RELEASE - Census reflects existing trend

170605 - ARTICLE - Broken Bay Institute - Andrea Dean - Good News of Bad news for women in the Australian church?

170523 - OPINION - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Catholic citizens needed within the church

170517 - ARTICLE - A Vision for 2020 - Paul Collins

170517 - ARTICLE - Smell of the Sheep - Peter Day

170515 - OPINION - Pearls and Irritations - The need for Catholic Church reform - Mark Metherell

170524 - LETTER - The Swag - Brendan Maher

170508 - LETTER - Canberra Times - James Gralton

170428 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times - Canberra Catholics push for more decision making power

170428 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for reform at watershed meeting

170427 - VIDEO - CC Forum

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Francis Sullivan

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Marilyn Hatton

170420 - LETTER - To Archbishop Prowse - Terry Fewtrell

170420 - DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN - Measuring the response of the Australia church to the sex abuse scandal - Terry Fewtrell

170419 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics ask where to from here

170419 - INTERVIEW - ABC 666 - Mark Metherell

170420 - ARTICLE - Canberra Weekly - Concerned Catholics challenge church's future

170418 - OPINION - Canberra Times / SMH - RC truths demand that we Catholics must change our church - Mark Metherell

170406 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics ask where to from here?

161222 - SUBMISSION - Truth Justice and Healing Council - Royal Commission Issues Paper 11 Catholic Church final hearing



191100 - PAPER - Beyond Scandal and Shame: Ecclesiology and the longing for a transformed church - Richard Lennan - Boston School of Theology

191111 - Top Five takeaways from the Amazon Synod - America Magazine

191109 - What will happen to conservative Catholicism

191031 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council - Faith and hope in abundance - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

191014 - VIDEO - What about me? Women and the Catholic Church - Presentation to We are Church Ireland - Dr Sharon Tighe Mooney

191014 - BACKGROUND - Presentation - Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney

191028 - MEDIA RELEASE - The Synod of Amazonia has concluded with many changes in motion, but not for women

191026 - Amazon Synod calls for married priests, pope to reopen women deacons commission - National Catholic Reporter

191010 - MEDIA RELEASE - Parish pastoral councils - building blocks of future church

191024 - FLYER - Public Forum - Concerned Catholics Wagga Wagga Diocese

190929 - ABC Compass - What now for Catholics? - Robert Fitzgerald, Francis Sullivan, Mark Coleridge, Lana Turvey Collins

190805 - MEDIA RELEASE - Break open the word on Plenary Council Australian bishops urged

190626 - SPEECH - our church or our museum? - CCCG Public Forum - Frank Brennan

190510 - Australian church looks for more collegial models of governance - The Tablet

190510 - Pope issues decree to force priests and nuns to report sex abuse - The Guardian

190509 - [US] Catholic leaders welcome Pope Francis’ new rules on reporting sex abuse - America Magazine

190507 - Australian Catholic church: reform or die - Michael Sainsbury - Pearls and Irritations

190502 - Church reform must increase transparency - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190426 - What do the church’s victims deserve? - Paul Elie - Pearls and Irritations (first published in the New Yorker)

190426 - Robert Fitzgerald provides a glimmer of hope for Australia’s Catholics - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

190422 - Pope proposes radical shakeup of the Roman curia - The Tablet

190416 - SPEECH - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Governing out of hope, not fear

190412 - Benedict’s untimely meditation: How his essay on sex abuse is being weaponised - Commonweal - Massimo Faggioli

190411 - Women critical to the church: Commissioner - Tessa Akerman - The Australian

190410 - MEDIA RELEASE - Public Forum - A Catholic future - out of hope not fear - Robert Fitzgerald AM

190324 - Seven changes the Catholic Church must make now - Francis Sullivan - ABC Online

190315 - ARTICLE - Canberra Catholics lay out church reform agenda - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

190307 - Renown reformer: Church has five years for a complete turnaround, or its over - La Croix

190306 - Australian Catholics take stock as Pell falls - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190224 - Pope Francis calls for an ‘all out battle’ against the evil of sex abuse - America Magazine

190223 - Journalist at abuse summit: The press is not the enemy of the church - America Magazine - Gerard O’Connell

190223 - Prayer alone is no panacea for church - Editorial - Newcastle Herald - Quotes Peter Gogarty and Bob O’Toole

190222 - The sex abuse summit and the Vatican’s lack of transparency - La Croix - Robert Mickens

190222 - Exclusive: Archbishop suggests creating new Vatican office to tackle abuse and clerical culture - NCR Online - Josh McElwee

190223 - Good reading and listening for the weekend - Vatican sex abuse summit - Pearls and Irritations

190221 - Pope Francis presents 21-point ‘road map’ to guide discussion at abuse summit - America Magazine

190221 - Reflection points for Vatican summit - Vatican

190221 - Vatican abuse summit: The key questions - AAP

190221 - SUBMISSION - Concerned Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190221 - OPINION - CC Submission to 2020 Plenary Council - Terry Fewtrell

190221 - Marilyn Hatton: Pray and light a candle for our church in crisis - Pearls and Irritations

190220 - TRANSCRIPT - Interview - John Warhurst - ABC Religion and Ethics Report

190220 - Despite threats of protests Irish government minister delivers talk on women’s ordination - NCR Online

190219 - Catholic archbishop calls for change ahead of Vatican summit on abuse - Sydney Morning Herald

190218 - Sexual abuse summit: Naive no more - Eureka Street - Tracey Edstein

190218 - Shaping the Pope’s sexual abuse summit - Eureka Street - Andrew Hamilton

190216 - Pope defrocks Theodore McCarrick, Ex-cardinal accused of sexual abuse - New York Times

190201 - Frequent-flier pope will soon face one of the biggest challenges of his pontificate - La Croix /Pearls and Irritations - Mickens

190131 - Prominent survivor submits recommendations for Vatican abuse summit - Crux

190131 - CC NEWSLETTER - Draft submission, CC Chair appointed to church governance review, more…

190130 - SUBMISSION - St Carthage’s Parish Melbourne - Clericalism

190130 - Call for national assembly of laity- Southern Cross - John Sabine

190131 - Faith without good works is dead - John Sabine SA

190130 - SUBMISSION - Australian Reforming Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190129 - Is church reform supported by Australian catholic media? - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Donnan

190129 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Chair appointed to major governance review panel

190114 - Church response to modern abuse scandals ‘same as 30 years ago’ Marie Collins - Irish Times - Patsy McGarry

190109 - A Church within the Church. Behind the new integralism is the old intransigentism - Pearls and Irritations - Massimo Faggioli

190109 - Canon lawyer becomes the first lay person to be appointed as Brisbane Vice Chancellor - Catholic Leader

190107 - German bishop says Church must examine episcopal power - Christa Pongratz-Lippitt in Vienna

190107 - Pope Francis warns diplomats against rising nationalism, talks about sexual abuse for first time - America Magazine

190104 - German Cardinal calls for new thinking ahead of celibacy discussion - America Magazine

181229 - All we want for Christmas is bishops who listen and act - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

181228 - Abuse expert [Hans Zollner sj] hopes summit will include bishops’ accountability - Catholic News Service

181219 - From Classical Christianity to Qantum Christianity - Fr Peter Day

181210 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics work on blueprint for Church reform

181207 - Phillip Wilson’s dead letter day - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181128 - Parish pastoral council - A compliance only or a structure for co-responsibility - Aengus Kavanagh The Swag

181128 - Article - Terry Fewtrell - Seems Francis is with the people - As submitted to Pearls and Irritations

181127 - Article - The ongoing threat of fundamentalism - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

181123 - Abuse and cover ups must no longer be tolerated - L’Osservatore Romano

181115 - MEDIA RELEASE - EDNA awards - Marilyn Hatton a leader for women

181114 - Seeking a plenary council fit for purpose - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181112 - National Apology - Senator Kristina Keneally parliamentary speech

180921 - Former Vatican ambassador Tim Fischer links bishop vacancy to failure to deal with clergy sexual abuse - ABC Riverina

180920 - For real change, we must get at four roots deeper than church structures - Joan Chittister - NCR

180919 - Australian bishop who was victim of sex abuse speaks on U.S. church’s crisis - Jim McDermott sj - America Magazine

180914 - Bishop Long urges support for Pope Francis and reform - Mark Metherell - Catholic Voice

180918 - Francis gives laity greater role in synods - Christopher Lamb - The Tablet

180911 - Bishop Vincent Long’s address - CC public forum

180901 - Catholic church rejects its own advice to lift veil of secrecy - Sydney Morning Herald - Joanne McCarthy

180906 - Catholic Church must be subject to the law of the land to keep children safe -  Riotact.com - Rebecca Vassarotti

180903 - Push to get more women into decision-making roles within Catholic Church - Newcastle Herald

180901 - What will it take to prove the church gets it - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

180831 - Reporting confessional sex abuse claims should be 'non-negotiable': victims' lawyer - SBS

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 1 - Where from and where to: The Truth Justice and Healing Council, the Royal Commission and the Catholic Church in Australia April 2018

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 2 - The Royal Commission’s recommendations, and responses from the Truth Justice and Healing Council

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 3 - What we have done: an activity report from the Truth Justice and Healing Council 2013-2018

189831 - TJHC Report - Volume 4 - Emerging themes: A snapshot taken by church authorities in Australia to formation, governance, legal and policy issue (2016)

180831 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics note church's response to Royal Commission

180831 - Joint Media Release - ACBC and CRA - The Catholic church has learned, is changing and will keep changing

180831 - JOINT REPORT - ACBC and CRA respond to the child sex abuse royal commission

180728 - Let's talk about the Catholic bishops - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

180828 - Death in the Church - Is new life ahead? - Omega Centre - Ilia Delio

180827 - Can religious institutions come back after the Royal Commission? - ABC Late Night Live

180822 - Dear brother bishops: The time for closed doors is over - America Magazine

180822 - What happened when a dad challenged his priest during mass about the sex abuse crisis - America Magazine

180823 - Pope must now tackle bishops - Paul Collins - ABC Online

180822 - CRA Statement - Pope Francis letter

180821 - Pope's abuse letter too little, too late - News.com

180821 - ACBC Statement - Pope Francis letter

180820 - Pope Francis condemns church sex abuse in response to new revelations in US - ABC Online

180820 - Letter - Pope Francis: Letter to the People of God

180817 - Catholic world has eyes on Australia's plenary council, US theologian says - Catholic Leader

180815 - Women of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese have designed their own consultation event to contribute to Plenary Council

180911 - FLYER - CC Public Forum: The Future of the Catholic Church in Australia: The role of the laity in Church renewal

180816 - Statement - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Announces Effort That Will Involve Laity, Experts, and the Vatican as U.S. Bishops Resolve to Address "Moral Catastrophe"

180815 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics welcome a glimpse of reform and call for action

180813 - Cardinal Wuerl lays out plan for lay involvement in bishops' accountability - CNA

180804 - What do you think God is asking - Aurora: Diocese of Maitland Newcastle

180807 - Bishop: Lay faithful, not bishops, must investigate McCarrick and coverup - NCR

180804 - Catholic Church's response to child sex abuse Royal Commission set for release - ABC AM

180804 - Survivors, advocates ask why the Church has lagged on Royal Commission response - ABC AM

180803 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to release Royal Commission response this month

180731 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics respond to Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Wilson resignation - Crux

180730 - Archbishop Wilson resigns amid child sex abuse cover up - ABC

180730 - Pope accepts resignation of archbishop facing prison time for failing to report sex abuse - America Magazine

190730 - ACBC Statement - Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Archdiocese of Adelaide Statement - Archbishop Wilson resigns

180730 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops must respond with integrity to Royal Commission recommendations

180727 - The Pope's long, hot summer - Robert Mickens, La Croix

180726 - ABC 7:30 Report - The ongoing controversy over the refusal of Archbishop Wilson to resign - John Warhurst comments

180726 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to focus on Royal Commission at August meeting

180726 - Bishops to release Catholic Church response to Royal Commission - Newcastle Herald

180725 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn want to know where the bishops stand on the Royal Commission recommendations

180720 - Statement from the National Council of Priests Australia: Resignation of Archbishop Philip Wilson

180720 - America Magazine - Vatican expert: To fight sex abuse, the catholic church must invest in women

180720 - MEDIA RELEASE - Follow us on Twitter

180700 - Draft archdiocesan submission to the plenary council

180718 - RN Religion Report - Rethinking the Vatican birth control decree after 50 years - Paul Collins

180718 - RN Religion Report - Absolute Power discusses controversial Humanae Vitae written in 1968 - Paul Collins

180713 - Catholic Leader - New resource launched to support lay pastoral ministers will be a vital tool for the Church - Coleridge

180713 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for urgent review of church governance

180712 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics question saccharine editing of reform call

180712 - Newcastle Herald - Australia's catholic bishops are under increasing pressure to make child abuse reports public after nuns, brothers and friars 'favour' release - Joanne McCarthy

180706 - ABC - Archbishop Julian Porteous criticised for banning Fr Frank Brennan over same sex marriage views

180705 - ACBC Statement - Archbishop Mark Coleridge - Philip Wilson

180705 - Crux - Some Australian bishops urge Wilson to resign - Christopher White

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Catholic archbishops advise Archbishop Wilson to resign - Joanne McCarthy

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Major Catholic church consultation ambitious, but will it succeed? John Warhurst

180623 - Catholic Herald - Church now facing its own #MeToo moment, says Australian archbishop Mark Coleridge

180621 - Catholic Outlook - National consultations on new Catholic Safeguarding Standards for children

180620 - Newcastle Herald - Bishop breaks ranks on church report into child abuse royal commission

180620 - Crux - Australian prelate: Laity could have prevented 'catastrophic' abuse crisis

180620 - Foreign Affairs - Making some noise for God - Maria Clara Bingemer

180613 - ABC - Robust monitoring, accountability and leadership essential to stop institutional child sexual abuse

180612 - America The Jesuit Review - Clergy abuse survivors launch global accountability effort

180606 - Canberra Times - Reporting scheme shouldn't ignore Catholic community's concerns: Archbishop Christopher Prowse

180601 - Crux - Expert on abuse says it's about 'who we are as church?' - Ines San Martin

180512 - ABC - Pope accepts resignation of three Chilean bishops over child abuse

180527 - PRESENTATION - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Royal Commission: Lessons and learnings for the People of God

180500 - Listening to Women Statement

180521 - ACBC - Pope Francis sends blessings as Plenary Council process begins

180514 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis on clericalism and encouragement for lay participation in
the Church: Concerned Catholics - As submitted to Catholic Voice for June edition

180514 - Crux - Confessional seal not ‘linchpin of culture of secrecy,’ Aussie prelate says - Mark Coleridge

180512 - Crux - Ahead of pope's meeting with Chile bishops, laity calling for more power

180508 - Pearls and Irritations - Jesus the forgotten feminist - Chris Geraghty

180506 - ABC RN God Forbid - Is there another schism forming in the Catholic Church - Marilyn Hatton

180504 - ACBC - Archbishop Mark Coleridge elected President of the ACBC

180503 - ACBC MEDIA RELEASE - New advisory body to monitor Catholic reforms in response to child sexual abuse tragedy

180502 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Would ordaining women save the Catholic Church?

180426 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Institutional reform following the Royal Commission on child sex abuse is women’s work - Margaret O'Connor

180427 - The Ozanam Conversation - Bishop Vincent Long and Geraldine Doogue

180403 - Let’s be less shrill about church-state relations - Frank Brennan sj - Eureka Street

180403 - CATHOLIC LEADER - Plenary Council facilitator urges all church members to speak from their heart and mind

180330 - FINAL BLOG - Francis Sullivan Truth Justice and Healing Council

180331 - Mud-wrestling the Catholic elephant - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

180328 - Letter to the Editor - The Canberra Times - James Gralton

180328 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholics need to wake up - Terry Fewtrell

180326 - ARTICLE - St Matthew's Page responds to Royal Commission and to its own history of child sexual abuse

180325 - Youth want bishops to face sex abuse, women in the Church - Crux

180323 - COMMUNIQUE - Forum - Australian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform

180322 - SPEECH - CC Public Forum Canberra - Francis Sullivan

180319 - MEDIA RELEASE - Changing the Catholic Church is like mud wrestling an elephant

180319 - Australian church gets papal OK to hold plenary council Catholic News Agency

180305 - The Real Crisis in Australian Catholicism - Paul Collins

180226 - Calls for change within the church will be its salvation - Sr Patty Fawkner - Pearls and Irritations

180107 - A sickness has infected the Catholic church in Scotland -  Kevin McKenna - The Guardian

180104 - Catholic church whistle blower cleric, Fr Tom Doyle, urges Australian Government to be bold - Newcastle Herald

171223 - Catholic women speak out - Marilyn Hatton, Moira Coombs - Pearls and Irritations

171219 - Australian church, take abuse commission report seriously or risk irrelevance - Francis Sullivan - National Catholic Reporter

171219 - Clericalism, celibacy and child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Australia - Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - Mothballing the clerical collar will help prevent clergy sexual abuse - Michael Mullins - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - MEDIA RELEASE - Royal Commission report must ignite real change in Catholic Church

171215 - Video Statement - Francis Sullivan - Royal Commission final report response - The Guardian

171215 - Interview - Francis Sullivan - ABC radio Melbourne

171215 - TJHC - Commission's final report released - Catholic Church must act

171215 - TJHC - First order of government business should be COAG committee to implement Royal Commission’s recommendations

171212 - The Royal Commission a mixed blessing - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

171204 - Why women should run the Catholic Church - Donella Johnston

171201 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic women's exclusion from power points to church's malaise

171120 - ACatholic Church 2020 Plenary Council: bishops must tap into the grassroots without delay - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171114 - Justice Peter McClellan says Police had an ‘understanding’ to protect churches from scandal - Joanne McCarthy - Newcastle Herald

171106 - Time to change catholic church Canberra Catholics say - Tom McIlroy - The Canberra Times

171104 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic bishops must reform now to quell exodus

171104 - Their cross to bear: The Catholic women told to forgive domestic violence - Hayley Gleeson with Julia Baird - ABC

171101 - Social Policy Connections - Pope Francis under attack - Bruce Duncan

171101 - The dangers of a feminine touch - Kevin Peoples - Pearls and Irritations

171027 - The war against Pope Francis - Andrew Brown - The Guardian

171000 - Together Diocese of Wagga Wagga Page 5 - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

171025 - SUBMISSION - Canberra Catholics 2020 Synod

171009 - Australian church facing biggest crisis in its history, says Brisbane Archbishop - The Tablet

171007 - Is the Pope a Catholic? - Richard R Gaillardetz - The Tablet

170928 - The Tablet - Elitist priesthood drawing last breaths: Bishop Vincent Long - Mark Brolly

170915 - Letter - Church can win friends - Fr Peter Day - The Canberra Times

170914 - Two NSW Catholic bishops have broken  ranks with the No side in the same-sex marriage debate - The Australian

170914 - Melbourne study reveals how a global child sexual abuse tragedy occurred - Newcastle Herald

170914 - ARTICLE - RMIT - Report lifts lid on Catholic Church and child sex abuse - includes link to report and podcast

170913 - The Catholic Church is circling the wagons - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Johnstone

170912 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations -  Anne O'Brien - Clericalism is alive and well in the Catholic Church

170910 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Church democracy and the 2020 Plenary Council

170911 - ARTICLE - The Tablet - Australians have 'lost trust completely' in the church, says member of pope's commission for the protection of minors

170908 - ARTICLE - BBI - The Journey to 2020: Opening the Conversation to the Plenary Council

170907 - ARTICLE - Catholic Leader - Fr Hans Zollner - Australians have lost trust in the local church following sexual abuse scandals

170905 - ARTICLE - Seeking a path from Pell to a Plenary Council - Massimo Faggioli

170904 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

170831 - PRESENTATION - Fr Peter Day - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170831 - PRESENTATION - Sr Ruth Durick - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170828 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - International Authority on the Church's governance to visit Australia - Peter Johnstone

170824 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Public Forum 31 August 2107 Canberra

170817 - ARTICLE - National Catholic Reporter - Church reform groups support call for Year of the Laity

170816 - ARTICLE - ABC Online - Catholic Church unlikely to change abuse review head Elizabeth Proust says

170808 - ARTICLE - Far East - Working with the laity and enjoying it - Fr Noel Connolly

170804 - ACBC BLOG - Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council Appoints Plenary Council Facilitator and Facilitation Team

170730 - HOMILY - Wagga Wagga Diocese Centenary Mass - Archbishop Francis Carroll

170730 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - Ordinary Catholics must help with reform - Kevin Liston

170724 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Reforming the Catholic Church: It's up to the laity - Margaret O'Connor

170720 - ARTICLE - Catholic Mission - Plenary Council 2020 - Our chance to be a synodal church - Fr Noel Connolly

170703 -  ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Geraldine Doogue - Flawed Catholic Church a test for true believers

170630 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops' confidential committee process unfortunate

170629 - ARTICLE - ACBC Blog - Bishops announce appointment of plenary council executive committee

170628 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times / The Age - Census Data 2016: Canberra residents reporting 'no religion' hits 36 per cent

170627 - MEDIA RELEASE - Census reflects existing trend

170605 - ARTICLE - Broken Bay Institute - Andrea Dean - Good News of Bad news for women in the Australian church?

170523 - OPINION - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Catholic citizens needed within the church

170517 - ARTICLE - A Vision for 2020 - Paul Collins

170517 - ARTICLE - Smell of the Sheep - Peter Day

170515 - OPINION - Pearls and Irritations - The need for Catholic Church reform - Mark Metherell

170524 - LETTER - The Swag - Brendan Maher

170508 - LETTER - Canberra Times - James Gralton

170428 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times - Canberra Catholics push for more decision making power

170428 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for reform at watershed meeting

170427 - VIDEO - CC Forum

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Francis Sullivan

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Marilyn Hatton

170420 - LETTER - To Archbishop Prowse - Terry Fewtrell

170420 - DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN - Measuring the response of the Australia church to the sex abuse scandal - Terry Fewtrell

170419 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics ask where to from here

170419 - INTERVIEW - ABC 666 - Mark Metherell

170420 - ARTICLE - Canberra Weekly - Concerned Catholics challenge church's future

170418 - OPINION - Canberra Times / SMH - RC truths demand that we Catholics must change our church - Mark Metherell

170406 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics ask where to from here?

161222 - SUBMISSION - Truth Justice and Healing Council - Royal Commission Issues Paper 11 Catholic Church final hearing



200303 - MEDIA RELEASE - Official report signals Australia’s Catholics are pressing for reforms

200226 - New Wine, New Wine Skins - Francis Sullivan - Pearls and Irritations

200225 - Learning to open the Heart - Joan Chittister - Vision and Viewpoint

200222 - SUBMISSION - Plenary Council - Damian Carroll Patrick Nunan Toowoomba

200117 - Committee to recommend Australian bishops give laity certain control - National Catholic Reporter

200116 - The uncontrollable consequences of a broken promise - Robert Mickens - La Croix International

200116 - ARTICLE - Catholics deserve openness on Australian Catholic Bishops funding cuts - John Warhurst - Canberra Times

200113 - MEDIA RELEASE - Secret Church Business Must End - Concerned Catholics

191230 - Ordinary Catholics are repulsed by leadership’s inaction on child sex abuse - Anne Cahill Lambert - The Canberra Times

191207 - SPEECH - Generating action for church renewal - Launceston - John Warhurst

191128 - FLYER - Public Forum

191128 - BACKGROUND PAPER - Public Forum

191128 - CONTEXT PAPER - Public Forum

191118 - Pope says more must be done to include women in church bodies - Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service

191117 - SPEECH - Being Church beyond the Royal Commission - Paul Bongiorno - Voices for Hope and Challenge - Melbourne

191115 - SPEECH - Inclusive transparent and accountable governance in the church - John Warhurst - Voices for Hope and Challenge Melbourne

191114 - VIDEO - Seeking the right side of history: Theology and the sex abuse crisis - Richard Lennan

191114 - PAPER - Beyond scandal and shame: Ecclesiology and the longing for a transformed church - Richard Lennan

191111 - Top Five takeaways from the Amazon Synod - America Magazine

191109 - What will happen to conservative Catholicism

191031 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council - Faith and hope in abundance - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

191014 - VIDEO - What about me? Women and the Catholic Church - Presentation to We are Church Ireland - Dr Sharon Tighe Mooney

191014 - BACKGROUND - Presentation - Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney

191028 - MEDIA RELEASE - The Synod of Amazonia has concluded with many changes in motion, but not for women

191026 - Amazon Synod calls for married priests, pope to reopen women deacons commission - National Catholic Reporter

191010 - MEDIA RELEASE - Parish pastoral councils - building blocks of future church

191024 - FLYER - Public Forum - Concerned Catholics Wagga Wagga Diocese

190929 - ABC Compass - What now for Catholics? - Robert Fitzgerald, Francis Sullivan, Mark Coleridge, Lana Turvey Collins

190805 - MEDIA RELEASE - Break open the word on Plenary Council Australian bishops urged

190627 - ARTICLE - Fr Frank Brennan calls on Catholic Church to again consider female priests as he prepares to leave Canberra - The Canberra Times - Megan Doherty

190626 - SPEECH - our church or our museum? - CCCG Public Forum - Frank Brennan

190510 - Australian church looks for more collegial models of governance - The Tablet

190510 - Pope issues decree to force priests and nuns to report sex abuse - The Guardian

190510 - NEWSLETTER - CCCG 10 May 2019

190509 - [US] Catholic leaders welcome Pope Francis’ new rules on reporting sex abuse - America Magazine

190507 - Australian Catholic church: reform or die - Michael Sainsbury - Pearls and Irritations

190502 - Church reform must increase transparency - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190426 - What do the church’s victims deserve? - Paul Elie - Pearls and Irritations (first published in the New Yorker)

190426 - Robert Fitzgerald provides a glimmer of hope for Australia’s Catholics - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

190422 - Pope proposes radical shakeup of the Roman curia - The Tablet

190416 - SPEECH - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Governing out of hope, not fear

190412 - Benedict’s untimely meditation: How his essay on sex abuse is being weaponised - Commonweal - Massimo Faggioli

190411 - Women critical to the church: Commissioner - Tessa Akerman - The Australian

190410 - MEDIA RELEASE - Public Forum - A Catholic future - out of hope not fear - Robert Fitzgerald AM

190324 - Seven changes the Catholic Church must make now - Francis Sullivan - ABC Online

190315 - ARTICLE - Canberra Catholics lay out church reform agenda - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

190307 - Renown reformer: Church has five years for a complete turnaround, or its over - La Croix

190306 - Australian Catholics take stock as Pell falls - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190224 - Pope Francis calls for an ‘all out battle’ against the evil of sex abuse - America Magazine

190223 - Journalist at abuse summit: The press is not the enemy of the church - America Magazine - Gerard O’Connell

190223 - Prayer alone is no panacea for church - Editorial - Newcastle Herald - Quotes Peter Gogarty and Bob O’Toole

190222 - The sex abuse summit and the Vatican’s lack of transparency - La Croix - Robert Mickens

190222 - Exclusive: Archbishop suggests creating new Vatican office to tackle abuse and clerical culture - NCR Online - Josh McElwee

190223 - Good reading and listening for the weekend - Vatican sex abuse summit - Pearls and Irritations

190221 - Pope Francis presents 21-point ‘road map’ to guide discussion at abuse summit - America Magazine

190221 - Reflection points for Vatican summit - Vatican

190221 - Vatican abuse summit: The key questions - AAP

190221 - SUBMISSION - Concerned Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190221 - OPINION - CC Submission to 2020 Plenary Council - Terry Fewtrell

190221 - Marilyn Hatton: Pray and light a candle for our church in crisis - Pearls and Irritations

190220 - TRANSCRIPT - Interview - John Warhurst - ABC Religion and Ethics Report

190220 - Despite threats of protests Irish government minister delivers talk on women’s ordination - NCR Online

190219 - Catholic archbishop calls for change ahead of Vatican summit on abuse - Sydney Morning Herald

190218 - Sexual abuse summit: Naive no more - Eureka Street - Tracey Edstein

190218 - Shaping the Pope’s sexual abuse summit - Eureka Street - Andrew Hamilton

190216 - Pope defrocks Theodore McCarrick, Ex-cardinal accused of sexual abuse - New York Times

190201 - Frequent-flier pope will soon face one of the biggest challenges of his pontificate - La Croix /Pearls and Irritations - Mickens

190131 - Prominent survivor submits recommendations for Vatican abuse summit - Crux

190131 - CC NEWSLETTER - Draft submission, CC Chair appointed to church governance review, more…

190130 - SUBMISSION - St Carthage’s Parish Melbourne - Clericalism

190130 - Call for national assembly of laity- Southern Cross - John Sabine

190131 - Faith without good works is dead - John Sabine SA

190130 - SUBMISSION - Australian Reforming Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190129 - Is church reform supported by Australian catholic media? - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Donnan

190129 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Chair appointed to major governance review panel

190114 - Church response to modern abuse scandals ‘same as 30 years ago’ Marie Collins - Irish Times - Patsy McGarry

190109 - A Church within the Church. Behind the new integralism is the old intransigentism - Pearls and Irritations - Massimo Faggioli

190109 - Canon lawyer becomes the first lay person to be appointed as Brisbane Vice Chancellor - Catholic Leader

190107 - German bishop says Church must examine episcopal power - Christa Pongratz-Lippitt in Vienna

190107 - Pope Francis warns diplomats against rising nationalism, talks about sexual abuse for first time - America Magazine

190104 - German Cardinal calls for new thinking ahead of celibacy discussion - America Magazine

181229 - All we want for Christmas is bishops who listen and act - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

181228 - Abuse expert [Hans Zollner sj] hopes summit will include bishops’ accountability - Catholic News Service

181219 - From Classical Christianity to Qantum Christianity - Fr Peter Day

181210 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics work on blueprint for Church reform

181207 - Phillip Wilson’s dead letter day - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181128 - Parish pastoral council - A compliance only or a structure for co-responsibility - Aengus Kavanagh The Swag

181128 - Article - Terry Fewtrell - Seems Francis is with the people - As submitted to Pearls and Irritations

181127 - Article - The ongoing threat of fundamentalism - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

181123 - Abuse and cover ups must no longer be tolerated - L’Osservatore Romano

181115 - MEDIA RELEASE - EDNA awards - Marilyn Hatton a leader for women

181114 - Seeking a plenary council fit for purpose - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181112 - National Apology - Senator Kristina Keneally parliamentary speech

180921 - Former Vatican ambassador Tim Fischer links bishop vacancy to failure to deal with clergy sexual abuse - ABC Riverina

180920 - For real change, we must get at four roots deeper than church structures - Joan Chittister - NCR

180919 - Australian bishop who was victim of sex abuse speaks on U.S. church’s crisis - Jim McDermott sj - America Magazine

180914 - Bishop Long urges support for Pope Francis and reform - Mark Metherell - Catholic Voice

180918 - Francis gives laity greater role in synods - Christopher Lamb - The Tablet

180911 - Bishop Vincent Long’s address - CC public forum

180901 - Catholic church rejects its own advice to lift veil of secrecy - Sydney Morning Herald - Joanne McCarthy

180906 - Catholic Church must be subject to the law of the land to keep children safe -  Riotact.com - Rebecca Vassarotti

180903 - Push to get more women into decision-making roles within Catholic Church - Newcastle Herald

180901 - What will it take to prove the church gets it - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

180831 - Reporting confessional sex abuse claims should be 'non-negotiable': victims' lawyer - SBS

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 1 - Where from and where to: The Truth Justice and Healing Council, the Royal Commission and the Catholic Church in Australia April 2018

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 2 - The Royal Commission’s recommendations, and responses from the Truth Justice and Healing Council

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 3 - What we have done: an activity report from the Truth Justice and Healing Council 2013-2018

189831 - TJHC Report - Volume 4 - Emerging themes: A snapshot taken by church authorities in Australia to formation, governance, legal and policy issue (2016)

180831 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics note church's response to Royal Commission

180831 - Joint Media Release - ACBC and CRA - The Catholic church has learned, is changing and will keep changing

180831 - JOINT REPORT - ACBC and CRA respond to the child sex abuse royal commission

180728 - Let's talk about the Catholic bishops - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

180828 - Death in the Church - Is new life ahead? - Omega Centre - Ilia Delio

180827 - Can religious institutions come back after the Royal Commission? - ABC Late Night Live

180822 - Dear brother bishops: The time for closed doors is over - America Magazine

180822 - What happened when a dad challenged his priest during mass about the sex abuse crisis - America Magazine

180823 - Pope must now tackle bishops - Paul Collins - ABC Online

180822 - CRA Statement - Pope Francis letter

180821 - Pope's abuse letter too little, too late - News.com

180821 - ACBC Statement - Pope Francis letter

180820 - Pope Francis condemns church sex abuse in response to new revelations in US - ABC Online

180820 - Letter - Pope Francis: Letter to the People of God

180817 - Catholic world has eyes on Australia's plenary council, US theologian says - Catholic Leader

180815 - Women of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese have designed their own consultation event to contribute to Plenary Council

180911 - FLYER - CC Public Forum: The Future of the Catholic Church in Australia: The role of the laity in Church renewal

180816 - Statement - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Announces Effort That Will Involve Laity, Experts, and the Vatican as U.S. Bishops Resolve to Address "Moral Catastrophe"

180815 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics welcome a glimpse of reform and call for action

180813 - Cardinal Wuerl lays out plan for lay involvement in bishops' accountability - CNA

180804 - What do you think God is asking - Aurora: Diocese of Maitland Newcastle

180807 - Bishop: Lay faithful, not bishops, must investigate McCarrick and coverup - NCR

180804 - Catholic Church's response to child sex abuse Royal Commission set for release - ABC AM

180804 - Survivors, advocates ask why the Church has lagged on Royal Commission response - ABC AM

180803 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to release Royal Commission response this month

180731 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics respond to Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Wilson resignation - Crux

180730 - Archbishop Wilson resigns amid child sex abuse cover up - ABC

180730 - Pope accepts resignation of archbishop facing prison time for failing to report sex abuse - America Magazine

190730 - ACBC Statement - Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Archdiocese of Adelaide Statement - Archbishop Wilson resigns

180730 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops must respond with integrity to Royal Commission recommendations

180727 - The Pope's long, hot summer - Robert Mickens, La Croix

180726 - ABC 7:30 Report - The ongoing controversy over the refusal of Archbishop Wilson to resign - John Warhurst comments

180726 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to focus on Royal Commission at August meeting

180726 - Bishops to release Catholic Church response to Royal Commission - Newcastle Herald

180725 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn want to know where the bishops stand on the Royal Commission recommendations

180720 - Statement from the National Council of Priests Australia: Resignation of Archbishop Philip Wilson

180720 - America Magazine - Vatican expert: To fight sex abuse, the catholic church must invest in women

180720 - MEDIA RELEASE - Follow us on Twitter

180700 - Draft archdiocesan submission to the plenary council

180718 - RN Religion Report - Rethinking the Vatican birth control decree after 50 years - Paul Collins

180718 - RN Religion Report - Absolute Power discusses controversial Humanae Vitae written in 1968 - Paul Collins

180713 - Catholic Leader - New resource launched to support lay pastoral ministers will be a vital tool for the Church - Coleridge

180713 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for urgent review of church governance

180712 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics question saccharine editing of reform call

180712 - Newcastle Herald - Australia's catholic bishops are under increasing pressure to make child abuse reports public after nuns, brothers and friars 'favour' release - Joanne McCarthy

180706 - ABC - Archbishop Julian Porteous criticised for banning Fr Frank Brennan over same sex marriage views

180705 - ACBC Statement - Archbishop Mark Coleridge - Philip Wilson

180705 - Crux - Some Australian bishops urge Wilson to resign - Christopher White

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Catholic archbishops advise Archbishop Wilson to resign - Joanne McCarthy

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Major Catholic church consultation ambitious, but will it succeed? John Warhurst

180623 - Catholic Herald - Church now facing its own #MeToo moment, says Australian archbishop Mark Coleridge

180621 - Catholic Outlook - National consultations on new Catholic Safeguarding Standards for children

180620 - Newcastle Herald - Bishop breaks ranks on church report into child abuse royal commission

180620 - Crux - Australian prelate: Laity could have prevented 'catastrophic' abuse crisis

180620 - Foreign Affairs - Making some noise for God - Maria Clara Bingemer

180613 - ABC - Robust monitoring, accountability and leadership essential to stop institutional child sexual abuse

180612 - America The Jesuit Review - Clergy abuse survivors launch global accountability effort

180606 - Canberra Times - Reporting scheme shouldn't ignore Catholic community's concerns: Archbishop Christopher Prowse

180601 - Crux - Expert on abuse says it's about 'who we are as church?' - Ines San Martin

180512 - ABC - Pope accepts resignation of three Chilean bishops over child abuse

180527 - PRESENTATION - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Royal Commission: Lessons and learnings for the People of God

180500 - Listening to Women Statement

180521 - ACBC - Pope Francis sends blessings as Plenary Council process begins

180514 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis on clericalism and encouragement for lay participation in
the Church: Concerned Catholics - As submitted to Catholic Voice for June edition

180514 - Crux - Confessional seal not ‘linchpin of culture of secrecy,’ Aussie prelate says - Mark Coleridge

180512 - Crux - Ahead of pope's meeting with Chile bishops, laity calling for more power

180508 - Pearls and Irritations - Jesus the forgotten feminist - Chris Geraghty

180506 - ABC RN God Forbid - Is there another schism forming in the Catholic Church - Marilyn Hatton

180504 - ACBC - Archbishop Mark Coleridge elected President of the ACBC

180503 - ACBC MEDIA RELEASE - New advisory body to monitor Catholic reforms in response to child sexual abuse tragedy

180502 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Would ordaining women save the Catholic Church?

180426 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Institutional reform following the Royal Commission on child sex abuse is women’s work - Margaret O'Connor

180427 - The Ozanam Conversation - Bishop Vincent Long and Geraldine Doogue

180403 - Let’s be less shrill about church-state relations - Frank Brennan sj - Eureka Street

180403 - CATHOLIC LEADER - Plenary Council facilitator urges all church members to speak from their heart and mind

180330 - FINAL BLOG - Francis Sullivan Truth Justice and Healing Council

180331 - Mud-wrestling the Catholic elephant - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

180328 - Letter to the Editor - The Canberra Times - James Gralton

180328 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholics need to wake up - Terry Fewtrell

180326 - ARTICLE - St Matthew's Page responds to Royal Commission and to its own history of child sexual abuse

180325 - Youth want bishops to face sex abuse, women in the Church - Crux

180323 - COMMUNIQUE - Forum - Australian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform

180322 - SPEECH - CC Public Forum Canberra - Francis Sullivan

180319 - MEDIA RELEASE - Changing the Catholic Church is like mud wrestling an elephant

180319 - Australian church gets papal OK to hold plenary council Catholic News Agency

180305 - The Real Crisis in Australian Catholicism - Paul Collins

180226 - Calls for change within the church will be its salvation - Sr Patty Fawkner - Pearls and Irritations

180107 - A sickness has infected the Catholic church in Scotland -  Kevin McKenna - The Guardian

180104 - Catholic church whistle blower cleric, Fr Tom Doyle, urges Australian Government to be bold - Newcastle Herald

171223 - Catholic women speak out - Marilyn Hatton, Moira Coombs - Pearls and Irritations

171219 - Australian church, take abuse commission report seriously or risk irrelevance - Francis Sullivan - National Catholic Reporter

171219 - Clericalism, celibacy and child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Australia - Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - Mothballing the clerical collar will help prevent clergy sexual abuse - Michael Mullins - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - MEDIA RELEASE - Royal Commission report must ignite real change in Catholic Church

171215 - Video Statement - Francis Sullivan - Royal Commission final report response - The Guardian

171215 - Interview - Francis Sullivan - ABC radio Melbourne

171215 - TJHC - Commission's final report released - Catholic Church must act

171215 - TJHC - First order of government business should be COAG committee to implement Royal Commission’s recommendations

171212 - The Royal Commission a mixed blessing - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

171204 - Why women should run the Catholic Church - Donella Johnston

171201 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic women's exclusion from power points to church's malaise

171120 - ACatholic Church 2020 Plenary Council: bishops must tap into the grassroots without delay - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171114 - Justice Peter McClellan says Police had an ‘understanding’ to protect churches from scandal - Joanne McCarthy - Newcastle Herald

171106 - Time to change catholic church Canberra Catholics say - Tom McIlroy - The Canberra Times

171104 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic bishops must reform now to quell exodus

171104 - Their cross to bear: The Catholic women told to forgive domestic violence - Hayley Gleeson with Julia Baird - ABC

171101 - Social Policy Connections - Pope Francis under attack - Bruce Duncan

171101 - The dangers of a feminine touch - Kevin Peoples - Pearls and Irritations

171027 - The war against Pope Francis - Andrew Brown - The Guardian

171000 - Together Diocese of Wagga Wagga Page 5 - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

171025 - SUBMISSION - Canberra Catholics 2020 Synod

171009 - Australian church facing biggest crisis in its history, says Brisbane Archbishop - The Tablet

171007 - Is the Pope a Catholic? - Richard R Gaillardetz - The Tablet

170928 - The Tablet - Elitist priesthood drawing last breaths: Bishop Vincent Long - Mark Brolly

170915 - Letter - Church can win friends - Fr Peter Day - The Canberra Times

170914 - Two NSW Catholic bishops have broken  ranks with the No side in the same-sex marriage debate - The Australian

170914 - Melbourne study reveals how a global child sexual abuse tragedy occurred - Newcastle Herald

170914 - ARTICLE - RMIT - Report lifts lid on Catholic Church and child sex abuse - includes link to report and podcast

170913 - The Catholic Church is circling the wagons - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Johnstone

170912 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations -  Anne O'Brien - Clericalism is alive and well in the Catholic Church

170910 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Church democracy and the 2020 Plenary Council

170911 - ARTICLE - The Tablet - Australians have 'lost trust completely' in the church, says member of pope's commission for the protection of minors

170908 - ARTICLE - BBI - The Journey to 2020: Opening the Conversation to the Plenary Council

170907 - ARTICLE - Catholic Leader - Fr Hans Zollner - Australians have lost trust in the local church following sexual abuse scandals

170905 - ARTICLE - Seeking a path from Pell to a Plenary Council - Massimo Faggioli

170904 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

170831 - PRESENTATION - Fr Peter Day - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170831 - PRESENTATION - Sr Ruth Durick - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170828 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - International Authority on the Church's governance to visit Australia - Peter Johnstone

170824 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Public Forum 31 August 2107 Canberra

170817 - ARTICLE - National Catholic Reporter - Church reform groups support call for Year of the Laity

170816 - ARTICLE - ABC Online - Catholic Church unlikely to change abuse review head Elizabeth Proust says

170808 - ARTICLE - Far East - Working with the laity and enjoying it - Fr Noel Connolly

170804 - ACBC BLOG - Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council Appoints Plenary Council Facilitator and Facilitation Team

170730 - HOMILY - Wagga Wagga Diocese Centenary Mass - Archbishop Francis Carroll

170730 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - Ordinary Catholics must help with reform - Kevin Liston

170724 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Reforming the Catholic Church: It's up to the laity - Margaret O'Connor

170720 - ARTICLE - Catholic Mission - Plenary Council 2020 - Our chance to be a synodal church - Fr Noel Connolly

170703 -  ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Geraldine Doogue - Flawed Catholic Church a test for true believers

170630 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops' confidential committee process unfortunate

170629 - ARTICLE - ACBC Blog - Bishops announce appointment of plenary council executive committee

170628 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times / The Age - Census Data 2016: Canberra residents reporting 'no religion' hits 36 per cent

170627 - MEDIA RELEASE - Census reflects existing trend

170605 - ARTICLE - Broken Bay Institute - Andrea Dean - Good News of Bad news for women in the Australian church?

170523 - OPINION - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Catholic citizens needed within the church

170517 - ARTICLE - A Vision for 2020 - Paul Collins

170517 - ARTICLE - Smell of the Sheep - Peter Day

170515 - OPINION - Pearls and Irritations - The need for Catholic Church reform - Mark Metherell

170524 - LETTER - The Swag - Brendan Maher

170508 - LETTER - Canberra Times - James Gralton

170428 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times - Canberra Catholics push for more decision making power

170428 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for reform at watershed meeting

170427 - VIDEO - CC Forum

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Francis Sullivan

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Marilyn Hatton

170420 - LETTER - To Archbishop Prowse - Terry Fewtrell

170420 - DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN - Measuring the response of the Australia church to the sex abuse scandal - Terry Fewtrell

170419 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics ask where to from here

170419 - INTERVIEW - ABC 666 - Mark Metherell

170420 - ARTICLE - Canberra Weekly - Concerned Catholics challenge church's future

170418 - OPINION - Canberra Times / SMH - RC truths demand that we Catholics must change our church - Mark Metherell

170406 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics ask where to from here?

161222 - SUBMISSION - Truth Justice and Healing Council - Royal Commission Issues Paper 11 Catholic Church final hearing



191100 - PAPER - Beyond Scandal and Shame: Ecclesiology and the longing for a transformed church - Richard Lennan - Boston School of Theology

191111 - Top Five takeaways from the Amazon Synod - America Magazine

191109 - What will happen to conservative Catholicism

191031 - ARTICLE - Plenary Council - Faith and hope in abundance - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

191014 - VIDEO - What about me? Women and the Catholic Church - Presentation to We are Church Ireland - Dr Sharon Tighe Mooney

191014 - BACKGROUND - Presentation - Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney

191028 - MEDIA RELEASE - The Synod of Amazonia has concluded with many changes in motion, but not for women

191026 - Amazon Synod calls for married priests, pope to reopen women deacons commission - National Catholic Reporter

191010 - MEDIA RELEASE - Parish pastoral councils - building blocks of future church

191024 - FLYER - Public Forum - Concerned Catholics Wagga Wagga Diocese

190929 - ABC Compass - What now for Catholics? - Robert Fitzgerald, Francis Sullivan, Mark Coleridge, Lana Turvey Collins

190805 - MEDIA RELEASE - Break open the word on Plenary Council Australian bishops urged

190626 - SPEECH - our church or our museum? - CCCG Public Forum - Frank Brennan

190510 - Australian church looks for more collegial models of governance - The Tablet

190510 - Pope issues decree to force priests and nuns to report sex abuse - The Guardian

190509 - [US] Catholic leaders welcome Pope Francis’ new rules on reporting sex abuse - America Magazine

190507 - Australian Catholic church: reform or die - Michael Sainsbury - Pearls and Irritations

190502 - Church reform must increase transparency - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190426 - What do the church’s victims deserve? - Paul Elie - Pearls and Irritations (first published in the New Yorker)

190426 - Robert Fitzgerald provides a glimmer of hope for Australia’s Catholics - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

190422 - Pope proposes radical shakeup of the Roman curia - The Tablet

190416 - SPEECH - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Governing out of hope, not fear

190412 - Benedict’s untimely meditation: How his essay on sex abuse is being weaponised - Commonweal - Massimo Faggioli

190411 - Women critical to the church: Commissioner - Tessa Akerman - The Australian

190410 - MEDIA RELEASE - Public Forum - A Catholic future - out of hope not fear - Robert Fitzgerald AM

190324 - Seven changes the Catholic Church must make now - Francis Sullivan - ABC Online

190315 - ARTICLE - Canberra Catholics lay out church reform agenda - Terry Fewtrell - Pearls and Irritations

190307 - Renown reformer: Church has five years for a complete turnaround, or its over - La Croix

190306 - Australian Catholics take stock as Pell falls - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

190224 - Pope Francis calls for an ‘all out battle’ against the evil of sex abuse - America Magazine

190223 - Journalist at abuse summit: The press is not the enemy of the church - America Magazine - Gerard O’Connell

190223 - Prayer alone is no panacea for church - Editorial - Newcastle Herald - Quotes Peter Gogarty and Bob O’Toole

190222 - The sex abuse summit and the Vatican’s lack of transparency - La Croix - Robert Mickens

190222 - Exclusive: Archbishop suggests creating new Vatican office to tackle abuse and clerical culture - NCR Online - Josh McElwee

190223 - Good reading and listening for the weekend - Vatican sex abuse summit - Pearls and Irritations

190221 - Pope Francis presents 21-point ‘road map’ to guide discussion at abuse summit - America Magazine

190221 - Reflection points for Vatican summit - Vatican

190221 - Vatican abuse summit: The key questions - AAP

190221 - SUBMISSION - Concerned Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190221 - OPINION - CC Submission to 2020 Plenary Council - Terry Fewtrell

190221 - Marilyn Hatton: Pray and light a candle for our church in crisis - Pearls and Irritations

190220 - TRANSCRIPT - Interview - John Warhurst - ABC Religion and Ethics Report

190220 - Despite threats of protests Irish government minister delivers talk on women’s ordination - NCR Online

190219 - Catholic archbishop calls for change ahead of Vatican summit on abuse - Sydney Morning Herald

190218 - Sexual abuse summit: Naive no more - Eureka Street - Tracey Edstein

190218 - Shaping the Pope’s sexual abuse summit - Eureka Street - Andrew Hamilton

190216 - Pope defrocks Theodore McCarrick, Ex-cardinal accused of sexual abuse - New York Times

190201 - Frequent-flier pope will soon face one of the biggest challenges of his pontificate - La Croix /Pearls and Irritations - Mickens

190131 - Prominent survivor submits recommendations for Vatican abuse summit - Crux

190131 - CC NEWSLETTER - Draft submission, CC Chair appointed to church governance review, more…

190130 - SUBMISSION - St Carthage’s Parish Melbourne - Clericalism

190130 - Call for national assembly of laity- Southern Cross - John Sabine

190131 - Faith without good works is dead - John Sabine SA

190130 - SUBMISSION - Australian Reforming Catholics - 2020 Plenary Council

190129 - Is church reform supported by Australian catholic media? - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Donnan

190129 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Chair appointed to major governance review panel

190114 - Church response to modern abuse scandals ‘same as 30 years ago’ Marie Collins - Irish Times - Patsy McGarry

190109 - A Church within the Church. Behind the new integralism is the old intransigentism - Pearls and Irritations - Massimo Faggioli

190109 - Canon lawyer becomes the first lay person to be appointed as Brisbane Vice Chancellor - Catholic Leader

190107 - German bishop says Church must examine episcopal power - Christa Pongratz-Lippitt in Vienna

190107 - Pope Francis warns diplomats against rising nationalism, talks about sexual abuse for first time - America Magazine

190104 - German Cardinal calls for new thinking ahead of celibacy discussion - America Magazine

181229 - All we want for Christmas is bishops who listen and act - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

181228 - Abuse expert [Hans Zollner sj] hopes summit will include bishops’ accountability - Catholic News Service

181219 - From Classical Christianity to Qantum Christianity - Fr Peter Day

181210 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics work on blueprint for Church reform

181207 - Phillip Wilson’s dead letter day - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181128 - Parish pastoral council - A compliance only or a structure for co-responsibility - Aengus Kavanagh The Swag

181128 - Article - Terry Fewtrell - Seems Francis is with the people - As submitted to Pearls and Irritations

181127 - Article - The ongoing threat of fundamentalism - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

181123 - Abuse and cover ups must no longer be tolerated - L’Osservatore Romano

181115 - MEDIA RELEASE - EDNA awards - Marilyn Hatton a leader for women

181114 - Seeking a plenary council fit for purpose - Frank Brennan - Eureka Street

181112 - National Apology - Senator Kristina Keneally parliamentary speech

180921 - Former Vatican ambassador Tim Fischer links bishop vacancy to failure to deal with clergy sexual abuse - ABC Riverina

180920 - For real change, we must get at four roots deeper than church structures - Joan Chittister - NCR

180919 - Australian bishop who was victim of sex abuse speaks on U.S. church’s crisis - Jim McDermott sj - America Magazine

180914 - Bishop Long urges support for Pope Francis and reform - Mark Metherell - Catholic Voice

180918 - Francis gives laity greater role in synods - Christopher Lamb - The Tablet

180911 - Bishop Vincent Long’s address - CC public forum

180901 - Catholic church rejects its own advice to lift veil of secrecy - Sydney Morning Herald - Joanne McCarthy

180906 - Catholic Church must be subject to the law of the land to keep children safe -  Riotact.com - Rebecca Vassarotti

180903 - Push to get more women into decision-making roles within Catholic Church - Newcastle Herald

180901 - What will it take to prove the church gets it - Eureka Street - John Warhurst

180831 - Reporting confessional sex abuse claims should be 'non-negotiable': victims' lawyer - SBS

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 1 - Where from and where to: The Truth Justice and Healing Council, the Royal Commission and the Catholic Church in Australia April 2018

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 2 - The Royal Commission’s recommendations, and responses from the Truth Justice and Healing Council

180831 - TJHC Report - Volume 3 - What we have done: an activity report from the Truth Justice and Healing Council 2013-2018

189831 - TJHC Report - Volume 4 - Emerging themes: A snapshot taken by church authorities in Australia to formation, governance, legal and policy issue (2016)

180831 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics note church's response to Royal Commission

180831 - Joint Media Release - ACBC and CRA - The Catholic church has learned, is changing and will keep changing

180831 - JOINT REPORT - ACBC and CRA respond to the child sex abuse royal commission

180728 - Let's talk about the Catholic bishops - John Warhurst - Pearls and Irritations

180828 - Death in the Church - Is new life ahead? - Omega Centre - Ilia Delio

180827 - Can religious institutions come back after the Royal Commission? - ABC Late Night Live

180822 - Dear brother bishops: The time for closed doors is over - America Magazine

180822 - What happened when a dad challenged his priest during mass about the sex abuse crisis - America Magazine

180823 - Pope must now tackle bishops - Paul Collins - ABC Online

180822 - CRA Statement - Pope Francis letter

180821 - Pope's abuse letter too little, too late - News.com

180821 - ACBC Statement - Pope Francis letter

180820 - Pope Francis condemns church sex abuse in response to new revelations in US - ABC Online

180820 - Letter - Pope Francis: Letter to the People of God

180817 - Catholic world has eyes on Australia's plenary council, US theologian says - Catholic Leader

180815 - Women of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese have designed their own consultation event to contribute to Plenary Council

180911 - FLYER - CC Public Forum: The Future of the Catholic Church in Australia: The role of the laity in Church renewal

180816 - Statement - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Announces Effort That Will Involve Laity, Experts, and the Vatican as U.S. Bishops Resolve to Address "Moral Catastrophe"

180815 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics welcome a glimpse of reform and call for action

180813 - Cardinal Wuerl lays out plan for lay involvement in bishops' accountability - CNA

180804 - What do you think God is asking - Aurora: Diocese of Maitland Newcastle

180807 - Bishop: Lay faithful, not bishops, must investigate McCarrick and coverup - NCR

180804 - Catholic Church's response to child sex abuse Royal Commission set for release - ABC AM

180804 - Survivors, advocates ask why the Church has lagged on Royal Commission response - ABC AM

180803 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to release Royal Commission response this month

180731 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics respond to Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Wilson resignation - Crux

180730 - Archbishop Wilson resigns amid child sex abuse cover up - ABC

180730 - Pope accepts resignation of archbishop facing prison time for failing to report sex abuse - America Magazine

190730 - ACBC Statement - Philip Wilson resignation

180730 - Archdiocese of Adelaide Statement - Archbishop Wilson resigns

180730 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops must respond with integrity to Royal Commission recommendations

180727 - The Pope's long, hot summer - Robert Mickens, La Croix

180726 - ABC 7:30 Report - The ongoing controversy over the refusal of Archbishop Wilson to resign - John Warhurst comments

180726 - ACBC Statement - Bishops to focus on Royal Commission at August meeting

180726 - Bishops to release Catholic Church response to Royal Commission - Newcastle Herald

180725 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn want to know where the bishops stand on the Royal Commission recommendations

180720 - Statement from the National Council of Priests Australia: Resignation of Archbishop Philip Wilson

180720 - America Magazine - Vatican expert: To fight sex abuse, the catholic church must invest in women

180720 - MEDIA RELEASE - Follow us on Twitter

180700 - Draft archdiocesan submission to the plenary council

180718 - RN Religion Report - Rethinking the Vatican birth control decree after 50 years - Paul Collins

180718 - RN Religion Report - Absolute Power discusses controversial Humanae Vitae written in 1968 - Paul Collins

180713 - Catholic Leader - New resource launched to support lay pastoral ministers will be a vital tool for the Church - Coleridge

180713 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for urgent review of church governance

180712 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics question saccharine editing of reform call

180712 - Newcastle Herald - Australia's catholic bishops are under increasing pressure to make child abuse reports public after nuns, brothers and friars 'favour' release - Joanne McCarthy

180706 - ABC - Archbishop Julian Porteous criticised for banning Fr Frank Brennan over same sex marriage views

180705 - ACBC Statement - Archbishop Mark Coleridge - Philip Wilson

180705 - Crux - Some Australian bishops urge Wilson to resign - Christopher White

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Catholic archbishops advise Archbishop Wilson to resign - Joanne McCarthy

180705 - Sydney Morning Herald - Major Catholic church consultation ambitious, but will it succeed? John Warhurst

180623 - Catholic Herald - Church now facing its own #MeToo moment, says Australian archbishop Mark Coleridge

180621 - Catholic Outlook - National consultations on new Catholic Safeguarding Standards for children

180620 - Newcastle Herald - Bishop breaks ranks on church report into child abuse royal commission

180620 - Crux - Australian prelate: Laity could have prevented 'catastrophic' abuse crisis

180620 - Foreign Affairs - Making some noise for God - Maria Clara Bingemer

180613 - ABC - Robust monitoring, accountability and leadership essential to stop institutional child sexual abuse

180612 - America The Jesuit Review - Clergy abuse survivors launch global accountability effort

180606 - Canberra Times - Reporting scheme shouldn't ignore Catholic community's concerns: Archbishop Christopher Prowse

180601 - Crux - Expert on abuse says it's about 'who we are as church?' - Ines San Martin

180512 - ABC - Pope accepts resignation of three Chilean bishops over child abuse

180527 - PRESENTATION - Robert Fitzgerald AM - Royal Commission: Lessons and learnings for the People of God

180500 - Listening to Women Statement

180521 - ACBC - Pope Francis sends blessings as Plenary Council process begins

180514 - ARTICLE - Pope Francis on clericalism and encouragement for lay participation in
the Church: Concerned Catholics - As submitted to Catholic Voice for June edition

180514 - Crux - Confessional seal not ‘linchpin of culture of secrecy,’ Aussie prelate says - Mark Coleridge

180512 - Crux - Ahead of pope's meeting with Chile bishops, laity calling for more power

180508 - Pearls and Irritations - Jesus the forgotten feminist - Chris Geraghty

180506 - ABC RN God Forbid - Is there another schism forming in the Catholic Church - Marilyn Hatton

180504 - ACBC - Archbishop Mark Coleridge elected President of the ACBC

180503 - ACBC MEDIA RELEASE - New advisory body to monitor Catholic reforms in response to child sexual abuse tragedy

180502 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Would ordaining women save the Catholic Church?

180426 - PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - Institutional reform following the Royal Commission on child sex abuse is women’s work - Margaret O'Connor

180427 - The Ozanam Conversation - Bishop Vincent Long and Geraldine Doogue

180403 - Let’s be less shrill about church-state relations - Frank Brennan sj - Eureka Street

180403 - CATHOLIC LEADER - Plenary Council facilitator urges all church members to speak from their heart and mind

180330 - FINAL BLOG - Francis Sullivan Truth Justice and Healing Council

180331 - Mud-wrestling the Catholic elephant - John Warhurst - Eureka Street

180328 - Letter to the Editor - The Canberra Times - James Gralton

180328 - ARTICLE - Australian Catholics need to wake up - Terry Fewtrell

180326 - ARTICLE - St Matthew's Page responds to Royal Commission and to its own history of child sexual abuse

180325 - Youth want bishops to face sex abuse, women in the Church - Crux

180323 - COMMUNIQUE - Forum - Australian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform

180322 - SPEECH - CC Public Forum Canberra - Francis Sullivan

180319 - MEDIA RELEASE - Changing the Catholic Church is like mud wrestling an elephant

180319 - Australian church gets papal OK to hold plenary council Catholic News Agency

180305 - The Real Crisis in Australian Catholicism - Paul Collins

180226 - Calls for change within the church will be its salvation - Sr Patty Fawkner - Pearls and Irritations

180107 - A sickness has infected the Catholic church in Scotland -  Kevin McKenna - The Guardian

180104 - Catholic church whistle blower cleric, Fr Tom Doyle, urges Australian Government to be bold - Newcastle Herald

171223 - Catholic women speak out - Marilyn Hatton, Moira Coombs - Pearls and Irritations

171219 - Australian church, take abuse commission report seriously or risk irrelevance - Francis Sullivan - National Catholic Reporter

171219 - Clericalism, celibacy and child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Australia - Des Cahill and Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - Mothballing the clerical collar will help prevent clergy sexual abuse - Michael Mullins - Pearls and Irritations

171218 - MEDIA RELEASE - Royal Commission report must ignite real change in Catholic Church

171215 - Video Statement - Francis Sullivan - Royal Commission final report response - The Guardian

171215 - Interview - Francis Sullivan - ABC radio Melbourne

171215 - TJHC - Commission's final report released - Catholic Church must act

171215 - TJHC - First order of government business should be COAG committee to implement Royal Commission’s recommendations

171212 - The Royal Commission a mixed blessing - Paul Collins - Pearls and Irritations

171204 - Why women should run the Catholic Church - Donella Johnston

171201 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic women's exclusion from power points to church's malaise

171120 - Catholic Church 2020 Plenary Council: bishops must tap into the grassroots without delay - Peter Wilkinson - Pearls and Irritations

171114 - Justice Peter McClellan says Police had an ‘understanding’ to protect churches from scandal - Joanne McCarthy - Newcastle Herald

171106 - Time to change catholic church Canberra Catholics say - Tom McIlroy - The Canberra Times

171104 - MEDIA RELEASE - Catholic bishops must reform now to quell exodus

171104 - Their cross to bear: The Catholic women told to forgive domestic violence - Hayley Gleeson with Julia Baird - ABC

171101 - Social Policy Connections - Pope Francis under attack - Bruce Duncan

171101 - The dangers of a feminine touch - Kevin Peoples - Pearls and Irritations

171027 - The war against Pope Francis - Andrew Brown - The Guardian

171000 - Together Diocese of Wagga Wagga Page 5 - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

171025 - SUBMISSION - Canberra Catholics 2020 Synod

171009 - Australian church facing biggest crisis in its history, says Brisbane Archbishop - The Tablet

171007 - Is the Pope a Catholic? - Richard R Gaillardetz - The Tablet

170928 - The Tablet - Elitist priesthood drawing last breaths: Bishop Vincent Long - Mark Brolly

170915 - Letter - Church can win friends - Fr Peter Day - The Canberra Times

170914 - Two NSW Catholic bishops have broken  ranks with the No side in the same-sex marriage debate - The Australian

170914 - Melbourne study reveals how a global child sexual abuse tragedy occurred - Newcastle Herald

170914 - ARTICLE - RMIT - Report lifts lid on Catholic Church and child sex abuse - includes link to report and podcast

170913 - The Catholic Church is circling the wagons - Pearls and Irritations - Peter Johnstone

170912 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations -  Anne O'Brien - Clericalism is alive and well in the Catholic Church

170910 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Church democracy and the 2020 Plenary Council

170911 - ARTICLE - The Tablet - Australians have 'lost trust completely' in the church, says member of pope's commission for the protection of minors

170908 - ARTICLE - BBI - The Journey to 2020: Opening the Conversation to the Plenary Council

170907 - ARTICLE - Catholic Leader - Fr Hans Zollner - Australians have lost trust in the local church following sexual abuse scandals

170905 - ARTICLE - Seeking a path from Pell to a Plenary Council - Massimo Faggioli

170904 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics reform movement grows

170831 - PRESENTATION - Fr Peter Day - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170831 - PRESENTATION - Sr Ruth Durick - Concerned Catholics Public Forum

170828 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - International Authority on the Church's governance to visit Australia - Peter Johnstone

170824 - MEDIA RELEASE - Concerned Catholics Public Forum 31 August 2107 Canberra

170817 - ARTICLE - National Catholic Reporter - Church reform groups support call for Year of the Laity

170816 - ARTICLE - ABC Online - Catholic Church unlikely to change abuse review head Elizabeth Proust says

170808 - ARTICLE - Far East - Working with the laity and enjoying it - Fr Noel Connolly

170804 - ACBC BLOG - Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council Appoints Plenary Council Facilitator and Facilitation Team

170730 - HOMILY - Wagga Wagga Diocese Centenary Mass - Archbishop Francis Carroll

170730 - ARTICLE - Eureka Street - Ordinary Catholics must help with reform - Kevin Liston

170724 - ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Reforming the Catholic Church: It's up to the laity - Margaret O'Connor

170720 - ARTICLE - Catholic Mission - Plenary Council 2020 - Our chance to be a synodal church - Fr Noel Connolly

170703 -  ARTICLE - Pearls and Irritations - Geraldine Doogue - Flawed Catholic Church a test for true believers

170630 - MEDIA RELEASE - Bishops' confidential committee process unfortunate

170629 - ARTICLE - ACBC Blog - Bishops announce appointment of plenary council executive committee

170628 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times / The Age - Census Data 2016: Canberra residents reporting 'no religion' hits 36 per cent

170627 - MEDIA RELEASE - Census reflects existing trend

170605 - ARTICLE - Broken Bay Institute - Andrea Dean - Good News of Bad news for women in the Australian church?

170523 - OPINION - Eureka Street - John Warhurst - Catholic citizens needed within the church

170517 - ARTICLE - A Vision for 2020 - Paul Collins

170517 - ARTICLE - Smell of the Sheep - Peter Day

170515 - OPINION - Pearls and Irritations - The need for Catholic Church reform - Mark Metherell

170524 - LETTER - The Swag - Brendan Maher

170508 - LETTER - Canberra Times - James Gralton

170428 - ARTICLE - Canberra Times - Canberra Catholics push for more decision making power

170428 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics call for reform at watershed meeting

170427 - VIDEO - CC Forum

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Francis Sullivan

170427 - SPEECH - CC Forum - Marilyn Hatton

170420 - LETTER - To Archbishop Prowse - Terry Fewtrell

170420 - DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN - Measuring the response of the Australia church to the sex abuse scandal - Terry Fewtrell

170419 - MEDIA RELEASE - Canberra Catholics ask where to from here

170419 - INTERVIEW - ABC 666 - Mark Metherell

170420 - ARTICLE - Canberra Weekly - Concerned Catholics challenge church's future

170418 - OPINION - Canberra Times / SMH - RC truths demand that we Catholics must change our church - Mark Metherell

170406 - STATEMENT - Concerned Catholics ask where to from here?

170308 - The Royal Commission - Geoffrey Robinson - Pearls and Irritations

161222 - SUBMISSION - Truth Justice and Healing Council - Royal Commission Issues Paper 11 Catholic Church final hearing



231227 - ARTICLE - The need for theological reform - Michael Moorwood - Pearls and Irritations

231224 - ARTICLE - Transcendance: Searching for light amidst horrors of Ukraine and Gaza - Francis Sullivan - Pearls and Irritations