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CONVOCATION N0 3: The Future of Catholicism in Australia

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Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform presents
The Future of Catholicism in Australia – Convocation Three

With the first session of the Australian Plenary Council now concluded, it is time to take stock of what has happened.

What did it achieve?

Did it meet our hopes and expectations?

What does it mean for the next assembly in July 2022?

What can we, as Australian Catholics, do to build on the process to date, in the lead-up to and in the next assembly?

The Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform’s
Third Convocation of Catholics is on Thursday 18 November (7.30pm AEDT)

Ellen Fanning (ABC, The Drum) will lead an online discussion of the Plenary Council Assembly. Experts, including Plenary Council members, will review the proceedings and outcomes. They will also offer some pointers on possible activities in the inter-assembly period. This will be crucial in setting the tone for the second, and deliberative, assembly in July 2022.

Building on our first two convocations before the first assembly, Convocation Three will prepare the way for a proposed lay-led synodal process between now and next July to build on current momentum for renewal and to support the diocesan phase of the Pope’s Synod 2023 on Synodality.

The hope is to engage Catholics, at all levels of connection (including none) with the Church, to explore and suggest concrete proposals for the future of Catholicism.

To register, please click on the button below.



These convocations are presented free of charge. Any financial assistance you are able to provide ACCCR to aid with the costs of organising these significant events, and keeping them accessible to all, would be greatly appreciated.

Donations to ACCCR can be made at the following link:

Importantly, all funds raised will go towards the renewal of the Catholic Church through engaging the people of the Church. To find out more visit: